
  • 网络regulating structure;diversion structures
  1. 基于遗传算法的施工导流建筑物优化

    Optimization Based on Genetic Algorithms for Construction Diversion Structures

  2. 施工期对导流建筑物等级,施工时段划分,各时段导流方式,导流标准、导流程序和导流建筑物等进行了优化。

    The paper gives a presentation in its first part of the overall design conception of grade determination of the diversion structures , division of their construction stages and diversion approaches at each stage , diversion criteria , diversion procedures and diversion structures .

  3. 导流建筑物级别为4级。

    The grade of the diversion structure s is ⅳ .

  4. 各期导流建筑物各异,施工方法也不相同。

    All the stages are different and so the diversion construction methods are different too .

  5. 趋向较高水头截流,采用较高水头截流,可减少导流泄水建筑物的工程量;

    Closure with a high water head can reduce the cost of the diversion engineering .

  6. 导流泄水建筑物泄流可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis on discharge of diversion structure

  7. 论述长洲水利枢纽一期工程的导流标准、导流方案、导流建筑物布置和设计等。

    The paper disserts the diversion standard , the diversion scheme , the layout and design of diversion structures etc.

  8. 施工导流标准的选择应能明确反映导流建筑物的使用年限

    The choice of Construction Diversion Standard Should clearly Involve the Service Life of a Diversion Building

  9. 水电工程施工导流的成败直接影响到主体工程的建设,与导流标准选择密切相关,而导流标准的择优必须综合协调导流建筑物的建设投资、工期、系统风险率及其风险损失。

    For a hydropower project , river diversion planning directly decides the dam construction and has a bearing on the diversion standard . The relations between selection of diversion standard and investment , construction duration , risk and its losses of diversion structures should be coordinated .