
  • 网络HTf;Oil;heat transfer fluid;Conduction oil
  1. 合成导热油在使用过程中品质变化的测定和评价研究

    The Study on the Measurement and Evaluation of the Quality Variation of the HTF in Use

  2. 导热油技术及发展概况

    HTF technology and development

  3. 沥青混合料搅拌设备导热油加热器PLC控制系统

    PLC Control System for the Hotline Heater of Asphalt Mixing equipment

  4. GC-MS在导热油合成分析中的应用

    Application of GC / MS on Analysis of Synthetic Heat Conduction Oil

  5. 用DTA技术对导热油热稳定性进行研究

    Study on thermal stability of heat transfer oil with DTA technique

  6. YD系列导热油的最高允许膜温

    The Highest Allowable Film Temperature of YD Series Heat Transfer Oils

  7. YD系列导热油系统工艺设计

    Process design of YD series heat-transfer oil system

  8. 像其他埃索产品一样,埃索导热油(ESSOTHERM)500是按照最高的质量控制标准进行生产。

    Like other esso products , esso thermal oil ESSOTHERM ( 500 ) to the highest quality control is standard .

  9. 具体工作包括:采用Solidworks软件的静力分析功能对装配好的结构关键部件模型进行有限元分析。设计液压系统、导热油系统、气动控制系统。设计了试验方法。

    Specific measures include : making the finite-element analysis on the assembled model of the key structure components by using static analysis function of Solidworks , designing the hydraulic system , the heat-conducting oil system and the pneumatic control system , designing the test methods .

  10. 阐述了导热油加温装置在LB-30型沥青混合料拌和设备上的应用原因、原理及推广前景。

    The application reason , principle and promotion prospects of the heat-conducting oil heating device in mixing of LB-30 asphalt mixed material and equipment are described .

  11. 提出了导热油的结焦机理,指出了影响结焦的因素及防止结焦的措施,给出了导热油在加热炉管内工作的适宜流速值为2~2.5m/s。

    The coke mechanism of heat transfer oil is presented . Some reasons and preventive measures of coke are discussed . The proper current velocity of heat transfer oil in tube for heater is 2 ~ 2.5 m / s.

  12. 埃索导热油(ESSOTHERM)500是埃索品牌特种油的一个重要产品,以其在严苛应用条件下的质量稳定性和可靠性著称。

    The esso thermal oil ESSOTHERM ( 500 ) is the esso brand special oil is one of important products , with its application in harsh conditions for the quality stability and reliability .

  13. 导热油加热炉结焦问题的原因分析与控制

    Analysis and control for solid deposit in heater with thermal oil

  14. 电热取暖器导热油的研制与应用

    Development and application of heat transfer oil for electric heat radiator

  15. 沥青导热油加温系统的使用与维护

    Usage and maintenance of heating system for asphalt heat conducting oil

  16. 节能型导热油气流烘干设备

    Drying device on gas of conducting oil , an energy-saving dryer

  17. 导热油为热介质的转子式刨花干燥机的热量计算

    Heat Calculation of Rotor Drier Which Heat Medium Is Thermal Oil

  18. 导热油加热技术在蒸氨系统中的应用

    Application of Heating Technology of Diathermic Oil in NH_3 Stripping System

  19. 一种矿油型导热油的调配生产方法

    A method for blending and producing of mineral-oil conductive heat oil

  20. 延长导热油寿命5~8年的新方法

    A new method for prolonging the useful life of heat-conducting oil

  21. 蒸汽压法测定导热油热分解温度的研究

    Steam pressure process for determing thermal decomposition temperature of heat-transfer media

  22. 船用导热油锅炉常见故障的排除

    Removal of usual fault for marine heat - conducting oil boiler

  23. 报废导热油再生方法的研究

    Study of the Method for Reclaiming Waste Heat Transfer Oil

  24. 导热油对热媒炉炉管腐蚀性的影响

    Study on corrosivity of heat transfer oil for heater pipe

  25. 燃气导热油热炉设计和使用中应注意的几个问题

    Design of Gas Heat Furnace with Conductive Oil and Problems in Application

  26. 不同品牌导热油搀混使用试验研究

    Test and research on using different quality of blended heat conducting oil

  27. 应用于混合硅氧烷裂解工艺的导热油优选研究

    Study on optimal choice of heat-conduction oil used in mix-siloxane decomposition technology

  28. 导热油应用中若干问题的探讨

    Investigation on Problems in the Application of Heat Transmission Oil

  29. 电热取暖器导热油的特性与质量标准

    The quality specification and characteristics of heat-transfer oil of electric - heater

  30. 导热油是一种优良的中间传热介质

    Conduct heat oil is one excellent intermidiate heat transfer medium