
dǎo hánɡ xīnɡ
  • Navigation Star;nautical star
  1. 从字符串的模式匹配来考虑这个问题,先把星图通过高通滤波器,然后用0-1的方法建立导航星库,再采用KMP算法来进行星图识别。

    Taking account of this importance from the match mode of string , first passing star map through high-pass filter , then a nautical star database established with 0 and 1 method , star map recognition is carried out by KMP algorithm .

  2. 较详细地介绍了导航星全球定位系统(GPS)的组成、功能和发展过程。

    This Paper introduces the constitution , functions and development process of NAVSTAR GPS in detail .

  3. 基于CCD星敏感器的星图模拟和导航星提取的方法研究

    Research on Star Image Simulation and Star Extraction Method for CCD 's Star Tracker

  4. 将选出的导航星通过构建理想星敏感器模型,来求解它们在CCD面阵上的精确位置;

    By constructing an ideal model of star sensor , the accurate positions of the selected guide stars on the CCD plane are derived .

  5. 用kmp算法进行星图识别时,制定的导航星库容量大。

    The volume of the navigation star database is large when star map recognition is carried out by KMP algorithm .

  6. 建立了组合系统的数学模型,应用组合卡尔曼滤波技术,按18颗导航星的布置方案,应用GPS仿真器,在考虑飞机沿3°倾斜角下滑线进行着陆飞行时,对组合系统进行了计算机仿真。

    An integrating scheme has been presented , and the dynamic model is established with the application of Kalman filter technique . The simulation for the integrated system performance has been carried out , using a GPS simulator , considering a glide-slope inclination of 3 ?

  7. 在介绍接收GPS(导航星全球定位系统)时频信息,进行远距离时间同步的基本原理和方法之后,着重分析了国内首次GPS共视法时间同步实验的结果和搬运钟验证的结果。

    After introducing the fundamental principle and method of long distance time synchronization by receiving the GPS time and frequency informations , the test results of first time synchronization in China using GPS Common-view approach and the results , which has been certified by travelling clock , are analyzed emphatically .

  8. 用基于支持向量机(SVM)的动态阈值选取算法选取导航星构建导航星库,将一多层多个并联SOFM子网的识别系统用于星图识别。

    The guide star catalog was created using the support vector machine based automatic selection algorithm . And an identification system consisting of several SOFM hierarchical networks was designed and input patterns from the star distribution around each guide star were employed to train the multi-layer SOFM networks .

  9. 对导航星选取算法进行了详细研究。

    The selection algorithm for guide stars was studied in detail .

  10. 一种高精度星载导航星库的构建方法

    A Approach of Constructing High Precision Guide Star Catalogue on Board

  11. 基于支持向量机的导航星选取算法研究

    Application Research on Support Vector Machines in Optimal Selection of Guide Star

  12. 全球导航星系统在航天测控中的应用

    Applications of GNSS for Aerospace Tracking Telemetry and Command

  13. 一种新的导航星选取算法研究

    A novel regression selection algorithm of guide star

  14. 导航星三角形分类选取算法研究

    A classification selection algorithm for guide star trangle

  15. 导航星库包括导航星表和星对信息表。

    The guide star database consists of guide star catalogue and star pair information catalogue .

  16. 它就像天上的导航星&人们永远在追求却永远也达不到。

    It is like a guiding star on the horizon – forever pursued but never reached .

  17. 卫星导航星地对接模型系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Satellite Navigation Modeling System to Conduct Compatibility Test between Ground Station and Satellite

  18. 描述了导航星全球定位系统应用于公路控制测量的方法,并对实际观测资料进行了全面的分析、研究。

    This paper describes a method which applied NAVSTAR / Global Position System to highway control surveying .

  19. 用户利用导航星的导航信号可获得高精度的定位、导航和时间信息。

    The user can obtain position , navigation and time information with high accuracy by utilizing the navigation satellites .

  20. 首先提出在直角坐标系下将天球球面均匀地分成486个分区的方法&内接正方体法,实现导航星的快速检索。

    With 486 partitions , an equal partition method of celestial sphere without overlap is firstly presented to speed up guide star indexing .

  21. 在选用高精度基本星表的基础上,分析了导航星的选取方法及其分布特征。

    In order to meet the requirement of high precision measuring device , guide stars are selected from high precision fundamental star catalogue .

  22. 本文研究基于星敏感器的星识别算法、导航星库的构造方法和姿态计算方法。

    The thesis is a research work based-on star sensor about star identification algorithm , construct of guide star database , attitude calculation method .

  23. 讨论了支持向量机在导航星选取优化中进行应用的分类算法,构建了导航星分类器,并以导航星的选取为例进行了试验论证。

    The classification selection algorithm of the guide star using the SVM is discussed in this paper and the classifier of the guide star is obtained .

  24. 为了利用导航星的观测位置信息,给出了从星表平位置到星心视位置的高精度转换方法。

    To use the stars position information , the method of transformation from mean position in fundamental star catalogue to sight position based upon satellite is given .

  25. 本文介绍了采用球矩阵存储和读取导航星库的方法,阐述了导航星的选取规则及存储内容。

    The paper introduces the method which adopts spherical matrix method for storing and reading guide star catalog , and elaborates the selecting rules and storing content on guide stars .

  26. 针对高轨环境下导航星可见性差,信号功率低的情况,提出了一种提高导航信号捕获能力的方法,并在理论上进行了分析论证。

    For the poor visibility of the navigational satellites and the low power of the signal , the paper proposes a new way to improve the GEO 's acquisitive performance and validates the method in theory .

  27. 这里着重介绍了导航星三角形分类选取算法的研究工作,该算法可以减小星三角形的冗余度,得到分布均匀的导航星三角形信息表;

    This paper introduces a classification selection algorithm of guide star triangle , which can reduce the triangle redundancy and offer a new triangle data , which has the least number and the most symmetrical distributing and the best performance .

  28. 仿真结果表明本算法不但继承了原算法的优点,而且导航星库的容量和识别时间都是原算法的1/4。

    The simulation results show that the algorithm not only inherits the advantages of the original algorithm , but also both volume of the navigation star database and recognition time are equivalent to 1 / 4 that of the original algorithm .

  29. 该文在研究了陀螺工具误差的特性后,提出了基于弹体旋转逐项激励陀螺工具误差,利用星敏感器观测特定位置的导航星的方法分离陀螺相关工具误差。

    This thesis worked on the characters of the gyroscope instrument errors , and proposed an approach to separate the corresponding error , which was based on the missile rotation for promoting certain error and relied on the star-sensor 's observation on selected stars .

  30. 确定视场和焦距首先要满足星敏感器实现全天自主星图识别所需的导航星捕获概率,其次要考虑与之相关的误差。

    The determination of the field of view and the focal length needs firstly to fulfill the probability of navigation stars capture for the realization of the autonomous star recognition in the whole sky , and secondly to take the relative errors into consideration .