
  1. 深呼吸,在机会消失前迅速行动;

    Take a deep breath , then act quickly before the opportunity disappears .

  2. 假设是人的一种恒常状态的论断忽视了意义世界的存在,结果导致了日常判断中信任的消失,实践行动中理想的断裂,研究活动中研究者与研究对象的分离。

    The proposition that assumption is a kind of constant state of man causes the disappearance of the trust of daily judgment , the rupture of the ideal of practice and the separation of research activity .

  3. 中间人及他们的所有作用的消失可能因此是行动中的一项无把握的计划。

    Elimination of intermediaries and all of their roles might therefore be a questionable course of action .