
xiāo shì
  • elapse;vanish;fade away;wear off;die away;dispel
消逝 [xiāo shì]
  • [die away;dispel] [声音、时间等]慢慢逝去,不再存在

  • 随着时间的消逝

消逝[xiāo shì]
  1. 本文选用的ADINA有限元软件带有多种常见土体材料模型,在单元生死的处理上采用单元刚度逐渐消逝的算法。因此能够很好地动态模拟深基坑工程的分步开挖施工过程。

    ADINA finite element software , used in this study has kinds of usual earth material models and the element birth / death unit is calculated with unit rigidity fade away method , so it can simulate the digging process of the deep excavation step by step accurately .

  2. 这些时尚大多逐渐消逝,然后被人遗忘。

    Most of these fashions just fade away and are forgotten .

  3. 继续找——他们不可能就此从地球上彻底消逝的。

    Keep looking ─ they can 't just have vanished off the face of the earth .

  4. 随着时间的消逝,她越来越见不到家乡那些老朋友了。

    As time passed , she saw less and less of all her old friends at home .

  5. 笑声逐渐消逝。

    The laughter faded away .

  6. 看着他的生命逐渐消逝,她惊骇万分。

    She watched aghast as his life flowed away

  7. 随着午后时光的渐渐消逝,又有些老主顾加入到我们当中来了。

    As the afternoon drew on we were joined by more of the regulars .

  8. 婚后几年这种兴奋感就会逐渐消逝。你等着瞧吧。

    The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage . You 'll see .

  9. 托马斯对哈丽雅特的爱从未消逝。

    Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet

  10. 小轿车发出的噪音消逝在远处。

    The sound of the car died away in the distance .

  11. 声音逐渐消逝。

    The sound faded into nothingness .

  12. 夜在逐渐消逝。

    The night wears on .

  13. 几个世纪以后,他们原来的社会和文化特征消逝了。

    Their social and cultural identity washed away after some centuries .

  14. 一抹残霞渐渐在天边消逝。

    A few stray rosy clouds faded from the horizon .

  15. 当现实情况消逝时,他依然眷恋于权势和个人影响的幻想。

    He cherished illusion of power and consequence when the reality had gone .

  16. 它是旅途的中间阶段,人们感到青春正在消逝,未来的前景越来越暗淡,死亡即将来临。

    It 's the stage in the middle of the journey when people feel youth vanishing , their prospects narrowing and death approaching .

  17. 无论我们多想要抓住过去,即使最痛苦的时刻也会随着时间消逝。

    As much as we would like to cling on to our past , even the saddest moments can be washed away with time .

  18. 可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝,

    But when youth , the dream , departs

  19. 英国国家海事博物馆的罗伯特·布莱斯说,泰坦尼克号的消逝是不可避免的,这意味着现在对它进行研究至关重要。

    Robert Blyth from the National Maritime , which means studying it now is vital .

  20. 这些美好不会消逝。

    These things shall never die .

  21. 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝.

    Hope is a good thing , maybe the best of things , and no good thing ever dies .

  22. 在传播过程中,迷因的内容可能保持原样,也有可能会被后来的接收者加以改造或延伸。它们在网络上消逝的速度可能跟爆红的速度一样快,几天之内就有可能不见踪迹了。

    Memes might stay the same as they transfer from one source to another , but can sometimes ' evolve ' , modified or expanded by each new recipient in popularity and then disappearing within a matter of days .

  23. fade:消逝forever:永远记忆可以消失但视频将会永远存留爱你的G。

    S : Memories can fade . A video is forever .

  24. 耗费在上网或是查看Facebook的时间就永远消逝了。

    Time used up surfing the Web or checking Facebook is gone forever .

  25. 我们渴望成为一代在NBA球迷的心中永不消逝的神话。——

    We aspire to be that dynasty that will be in the minds of NBA fans forever . - -

  26. 当Lamb的相位速度接近于气体的声速时,气流的速度和方向明显影响消逝波的声场分布。

    When the Lamb wave phase velocity approaches the gas sound velocity , the gas flow effect is clearly observed .

  27. 关于SOA是否已死,还是生机勃勃,又或根本未曾存在,还是消逝在新墨西哥的罗斯韦尔,争论已经足够了。

    Okay , enough wrangling over whether SOA is dead , or is thriving , or never even existed , or crashed somewhere near Roswell , New Mexico .

  28. “令人担忧的是消逝的速度,”克里斯-利伊(ChrisLeahy),马萨诸塞州奥特朋协会(MassachusettsAudubonSociety)的一位自然学家这样讲。

    " What 's alarming is the rapidity of decline ," said Chris Leahy , a naturalist with the Massachusetts Audubon Society .

  29. 他们对巴西亚马孙丛林的这一宏伟蓝图被称为“魔鬼铁路”(Devil’sRailway),得名于因此消逝的成千上万条生命。它的遗迹说明了过于依赖大宗商品出口的危险性。

    The ruins of their grand designs for the Brazilian Amazon , called the Devil 's Railway because of the thousands of workers who died building it , are a testament to the dangers of relying too heavily on commodity exports .

  30. 3G手机是以时间消逝空间的媒介;是传播广度与深度的背离、融合;是传播内容与传播情境的整合;是传受双方在场与缺席的混杂;是公私领域的融合。

    3G mobile phones are a media in which space fades away following time , both deviation and fusion of communication breadth and depth , the integration of communication content and situation , the hybrid of present and absent of both sides , the fusion of private and public sectors .