
  • 网络messaging system
  1. 调用服务在内部使用WebSphereCommerce消息传递系统来调用外部系统上的web服务。

    The invocation service internally uses the WebSphere Commerce messaging system to invoke the web service on the external system .

  2. RabitMQ是一个完整的、高可靠的企业消息传递系统。

    RabitMQ a complete and highly reliable Enterprise Messaging system .

  3. 这两个计算机程序彼此通过一个消息传递系统或一个web服务进行通信。

    These two computer programs communicate with each other either through a messaging system or through a web service .

  4. Brokermessageselection指示消息传递系统的哪个部分实现消息选择器。

    Broker message selection Indicates what part of the messaging system implements message selectors .

  5. 如果您看到其他基于Internet的消息传递系统解决了上述问题,您可以重用某些相同的解决方案。

    If you look at how this problem was solved for other Internet-based messaging systems , you can reuse some of the same solutions .

  6. IBMi还有一个消息传递系统,程序使用该系统与用户和其他程序通信。

    The IBM I also has a messaging system that programs use to communicate with users and other programs .

  7. Geronimo可以帮助简化异步消息传递系统的部署操作。

    Geronimo facilitates a simple deployment of the asynchronous messaging system .

  8. 整合异步消息传递系统与ApacheGeronimo

    Integrate the asynchronous messaging system with Apache Geronimo

  9. 此系统能够处理多个通道,包括用于实时处理和批处理的B2B消息传递系统。

    It can handle multiple channels including business-to-business messaging systems for both real-time and batch processing .

  10. 本系列的主题是事件驱动Web和反向Ajax,因此我们将只关注客户端部分,不会建立一个复杂的消息传递系统。

    This series is about event-driven web and Reverse Ajax , so we 'll concentrate on the client part and will not set up a complex messaging system .

  11. 这些解决方案的大多数是以大型机为中心的,在某种程度上是将COBOL绑定到XML和直接运行在大型机之上的SOAP消息传递系统。

    Most of these solutions are mainframe-centric in the sense that binding COBOL to XML and SOAP messaging run directly on the mainframe .

  12. 结合使用基于异步的消息传递系统和Ajax的异步本性将为用户提供更加实时、更加类似于桌面应用程序的体验。

    The asynchronous nature of Ajax combined with an asynchronous-based messaging system provides a more real-time , desktop application feel for your users .

  13. 本论文自定义了一套XML通信协议,按该通信协议实现一个即时消息传递系统。

    In the thesis , an XML protocol is defined and based on it an IM system is carried out , which has the same basic functions as the other IM systems .

  14. 实验结果表明,基于中介体的可靠WEBService消息传递系统完全符合WS-Reliability规范,且易于部署,保持了传统WEBService中必不可少的简单性和互操作性,为WEBService应用构建了可靠支撑平台。

    Experiment result shows , the reliable messaging system based on intermediary satisfies the requirement of WS-Reliability standard and is easy for deployment , and provides a founded platform of Web Service applications .

  15. 必须查询企业消息传递系统来履行这样的一个请求,就这一点来说,企业消息传递系统可以由一个会话bean透明地来访问。

    To the extent that an enterprise messaging system must be queried to fulfill such a request , it can be accessed transparently via a session bean .

  16. 所有的J2SE应用都可以毫不费力地扩展为可以与一个JMS消息传递系统进行交互。

    Absolutely any J2SE application can be extended to interface with a JMS messaging system with minimal effort .

  17. 我们寻找的机制包括屏幕搜刮器、Web服务调用、带有用于遗留平台的适配器的ESB、消息传递系统、直接遗留软件API调用、特定于技术的网关和桥接。

    The ones we look for include screen scrapers , web service calls , ESB with adapters for a legacy platform , messaging systems , direct legacy software API calls , technology specific gateways and bridges .

  18. 这些产品还链接到范围广泛的其他Tivoli产品,支持一种集中、整体的消息传递系统监控方法。

    These products also link well with a wide range of other Tivoli products to support a centralized , holistic approach to monitoring messaging systems .

  19. 您还可以添加第三方消息传递系统,比如JMS(例如ApacheActiveMQ)或一个CEP(例如Esper)。

    You can also add a third-party messaging system such as JMS ( for example , Apache ActiveMQ ), or a CEP like Esper .

  20. 在典型的电子邮件消息传递系统中不能发送电子邮件时生成一个NDR传递状态通知邮件。

    In a typical e-mail messaging system , an NDR delivery status notification message is generated when an e-mail message cannot be delivered .

  21. Erlang中的消息传递系统是Erlang执行环境的另一个内置部分,它与进程系统协同工作,支持有效地交换数据和消息。

    The messaging system in Erlang is another built-in part of the Erlang execution environment and works in combination with the process system to allow for the efficient exchange of data and messages .

  22. BQM的贡献之一是,增加消息传递系统中的机器数,以将其服务质量提高到一个更高水平。

    One of BQM 's contributions is to add machinery to messaging that raises it to a much higher level service quality .

  23. 向电子邮件的收件人发送UCE的人已发现一个方法来解决许多电子邮件消息传递系统内置的电子邮件筛选器。

    People who send UCE to e-mail recipients have discovered a method to work around the e-mail filters that are built into many e-mail messaging systems .

  24. 当前,流行的消息传递系统有MPI,PVM等,但它们是面向一般问题的,通用的通信库系统,其应用程序界面(API)对于编写数值计算程序并不方便。

    Currently , common message passing systems are PVM and MPI etc. , however , they are general libraries for general problems , and thus their application program interfaces ( API ) are not as easily usable for numeral computing programming as we would like .

  25. 我也已经加入另一个非常简单的共享消息传递系统。

    I 've also added a very simple shared message passing system .

  26. 某些消息传递系统提供两种通道:队列和主题。

    Some messaging systems provide two types of channels : queues and topics .

  27. 基于消息传递系统的多线程并发对象模型

    MultiThreads Concurrent Object - Oriented Model Based on MPS

  28. 消息传递系统对于工作站机群系统的计算性能是至关重要的。

    The message passing system is crucial to the computational performance of workstation clusters .

  29. 内置的消息传递系统可处理这样的交互。

    The built-in messaging system handles this interaction .

  30. 例如,能用较低级别的请求/响应协议来建立消息传递系统。

    For example , messaging systems can be built using lower-level request / response protocols .