
  • 网络heterogeneous network environment
  1. 异构网络环境式PDM系统技术研究

    Research on PDM System with Heterogeneous Network Environments

  2. 该系统通过对各地异构网络环境的监、管、控,实现运维工作的日常管理、应急处理和联网监控,提高了全省的运维水平和管理效率。

    The level of operation and maintenance and the efficiency of management are improved though the development of the system which heterogeneous network environments around the " supervision , management and control " to achieve the daily operation and maintenance management .

  3. WEBService是一种解决在异构网络环境下建立分布式系统的又一全新的网络构架技术。

    Web Service is another brand-new technology to set up distributed systems in the internet environment .

  4. 异构网络环境下TCP协议性能提高方法

    New Way of Improving TCP Performance Based on RTT over Heterogeneous Networks

  5. 通过分析传统异构网络环境下分布式对象互操作中存在的问题,提出了改进的基于XML的异构系统集成框架。

    Analyzing the inter-operation of distributed object on the network environment , this paper proposes an improved Heterogeneous System Integration Framework Based on XML .

  6. 在分析三层Web体系结构和异构网络环境特点的基础上,采用CORBA中间件技术对当前流行的B/S结构中的数据库进行访问。

    After analyzing the feature of three-tiers Web and heterogeneous network environment , use CORBA technology to access database based on current pop B / S structure .

  7. 针对动态和异构网络环境下的实时视频多播,提出了一种基于终端系统的QoS过滤解决方法。

    For real time video multicast in heterogeneous and dynamic networks , this paper presents a method of QoS filtering based on terminal systems .

  8. 通过使用Webmin工具高效构建一种基于异构网络环境的samba服务器,实现了Windows与Linux主机之间的资源共享。

    Samba Server which was designed in the LAN with different OS implemented the resource share between Windows and Linux Host .

  9. 从而粗象的得到相对的QoS大小,最后再跟据实际情况给出适用于某种异构网络环境下的模糊规则。

    Then the system gets roughly the relative size of the QoS , at last , the fuzzy rules are applied for a heterogeneous network environment according to the actual situation .

  10. 我们通过将建模过程分解为可以分布并行的模型结构选择和模型参数优化二个步骤,在异构网络环境中用CORBA实现了高阶微分方程建模的并行演化算法。

    We realize the parallel evolutionary algorithm using distributed CORBA object on the heterogeneous networking by paralleling the two steps of modeling , which are the structure - selection and parameters - optimization .

  11. 如何实施安全高效的Intranet网络管理,不仅是企业网络构建十分关注的问题,也是多厂商异构网络环境下实现综合网络管理的一个重要内容。

    How to carry out operative Intranet network management is not only a deep concern problem of enterprise network construction but also a critical aspect to realize integrated network management in heterogeneous network environment .

  12. 本文通过实例,介绍如何利用SFU将Linux下的Blat软件在Windows系统中重新编译运行,并与Linux计算机共享生物序列数据库,构建异构网络环境下的分布式生物信息学应用。

    This paper is concerned with how to use SFU to recompile and run Linux Blat software under Windows , to share sequence database , and construct a distributed bioinformatics application in Windows / Linux heterogeneous environments .

  13. CDN与P2P混合网络,具有较好的可扩展性、自适应性与健壮性,从而能够为分布在异构网络环境中的大规模用户提供服务质量保证,并尽可能节省服务器成本开销。

    The hybrid CDN and P2P network make a better network scalability , adaptability and robustness . The hybrid network provided service quality assurance for the distribution of large-scale heterogeneous network environment users and save server overhead as much as possible .

  14. 本文采用ASN.1、XML标准设计了ASI的基本语法,采用DER编码,使得在异构网络环境中,保证信息的通用性、标准性、科学性和规范性。

    In this paper , In order to ensure the currency , standard , science and norm among the different network architecture , ASI basic syntax is designed by using ASN . 1 and XML standard , DER coding is used , too .

  15. 异构网络环境下不确定并行程序行为分析

    The Behavior Analysis of Nondeterministic Parallel Program in Heterogeneous Network Environment

  16. 异构网络环境下综合计费与查询系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Integrated Accounting and Querying System Within Heterogeneous Network

  17. VHE&未来异构网络环境下的业务提供方法

    VHE & A Service-provided Method in Future Heterogeneous Network Environment

  18. 异构网络环境下的并行程序可达性测试算法

    Reachability testing algorithm for parallel program in heterogeneous network environment

  19. 异构网络环境中点对点通信架构研究

    Research of peer to peer communication architecture in heterogeneous network

  20. 分布异构网络环境下数据访问设计

    Design of Data Access on Distributed Heterogeneous Network Environment

  21. 异构网络环境中的自适应在线故障检测

    Adaptive Online Fault Detection in Heterogeneous Network Environment

  22. 瘦客户数据访问模式以数据服务为目的,以中间件服务器为核心,实现跨越异构网络环境、异构操作系统环境和异构数据库平台。

    It implements independent from network environment , OS environment , and database platform .

  23. 电力系统异构网络环境中视频流传输研究与实现

    Study and implementation of video transmission in a heterogeneous network environment of power system

  24. 提出了通过建立事件信道、事件发送者与接收者模型的方法,来实现异构网络环境下的非耦合异步消息通信。

    We realized it through building event tunnel , event push model and event pull model .

  25. 异构网络环境下基于代理的工作流管理模型

    Agent-based Workflow Management Model for Hetero-network

  26. 大规模虚拟试验系统往往需要基于异构网络环境互连的方法搭建,以满足不同试验实体间通信的实时性要求。

    In large scale virtual testing system , the overall performance is up to the quality of host assignment for each entity .

  27. 本文作者将覆盖保持的思想引入到分簇路由算法中,以此为基础提高异构网络环境下的分簇路由算法性能。

    The author combines coverage preservation with clustering routing algorithm to improve the performance of the clustering routing algorithm in heterogeneous networking environment .

  28. 如何在现有的异构网络环境之上发展更多的移动多媒体增值业务,成了当前研究的热门。

    How to develop the mobile media with more value-added services in the existing heterogeneous network environment has become the most popular of current research .

  29. 为了解决这些问题,实现大规模异构网络环境下的入侵检测和安全响应,研究一种能够适应因特网环境的入侵检测系统即分布式入侵检测系统,已经成为网络安全发展的必然趋势。

    To settle these problems , implementing and researching a distributed intrusion detection system to be adapted to the internet environment become a consequential trend .

  30. 本论文的研究成果,为解决异构网络环境下的设备统一监控提供了技术手段和技术原型,具有通用性强,系统移植修改量小等特点,有较好的应用前景。

    The research result of this paper , which provides technical prototype for unified monitoring equipment in the heterogeneous network environment , has good application prospects .