
yì mǔ xiōnɡ dì
  • Half brother;brothers born of different mothers;brother of the half blood
  1. 伊拉克发言人证实萨达姆的异母兄弟Barzan和伊革命法院前院长Awad今天凌晨前被执行绞刑。

    An Iraqi spokesman confirmed that Saddam 's half-brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti and the former head of Iraq 's Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bandar were hanged before dawn today .

  2. 林肯让他的异母兄弟约翰·约翰斯通代替他,如同他的代理人。

    Lincoln got his step-brother , John Johnston , as his proxy .

  3. 小说中那对异父异母兄弟的生活简直就是对改革时期中国戏剧式的再现:弟弟是个粗鲁、邋遢的生意人,靠着钻空子和一股子狠劲儿发家,内心还有处女情结;

    It follows two half-brothers whose lives are almost a parody of reform-era China : one a crass , vulgar businessman who succeeds through corruption and brutality , and fetishizes virgins ;