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yì wén
  • Variant text;alternative script
异文 [yì wén]
  • (1) [different race or nation]∶对异体字、通假字的总称

  • (2) [different edition of the same book or different books carrying the same news]∶不同书籍或同一书籍不同版本记录的相同事物,不同的学句

  1. 对其异文进行分类研究,首先可以为两个版本纠正讹误。

    Classifying its derivatives research , first it can corrects errors .

  2. 这一章主要对敦煌本《大般涅盘经》的异文进行分类,总结其成因,阐述了它的研究意义和价值。

    And the value and significance of study are also covered .

  3. 第二章主要介绍了诗歌异文的定义及形成原因。

    The second chapter mainly introduces the definition and poetry variant causes .

  4. 中古诗歌异文关系类型初探

    On the Relationship Between Different versions of Middle Ancient Poetry

  5. 附有异文的版本含有一篇原文的不同译本的版本。

    An edition containing various versions of a text .

  6. 但对於全唐诗双音节异文研究却少之又少。

    But there is rare study about the whole Tang poetries ' dual-syllable variations .

  7. 非错误性异文依据古籍整理惯例分别处理。

    Non-error variants are dealt with separately in accordance with the ancient finishing practice .

  8. 列出异文,提供了一些版本信息。

    Listing the difference provided some version information .

  9. 异文的文化阐释

    Culture Culture A Cultural Interpretation on Variants

  10. 第一卷〈神代卷〉中有正文和一些异文。

    Its first volume is composed of a main text and several other auxiliary texts .

  11. 我们现根据诗歌语境来推测异文的含义。

    In accordance with the poetry context , we infer the different meaning of variation .

  12. 重构的结果是,《阿诗玛》再次变成了一个多异文、不确定的文本。

    As a result , Ashima once again becomes a multi Variant , uncertain text .

  13. 本论文是以全唐诗中的双音节异文为研究对象。

    In this thesis , we have been studied dual-syllable variations of whole Tang poetry .

  14. 第二部分主要是描述了全唐诗中双音节异文的不同类别。

    The second part describes the different categories of dual-syllable different texts in the Tang poetry .

  15. 然后我们将会把这些双音节异文根据不同的特点给分入不同的类别中进行研究。

    And then the dual-syllable variations depending on the characteristics are divided into different categories and studied .

  16. 第三部分是对全唐诗中的双音节异文的新义造行考释。

    The third part is the new meanings of the dual-syllable variations in The Whole Tang Poetry .

  17. 《诗集传》有少量叶音跟《诗经》的某些通假字、异文等用字现象有关联。

    A few of Xieyin in Shi Ji Zhuan are relative to some written phenomena including Tongjia-zi , Yiwen etc.

  18. 全唐诗中的双音节异文的研究对於汉语史的词汇研究具有重要的意义。

    It is of great significance in study of Chinese vocabulary history to study Dual-syllable variations in the whole Tang poetry .

  19. 对这些异文进行研究可以让我们认识汉字的发展和汉语词汇的运用。

    We can know the development of the history of Chinese characters and the use of Chinese words form studying these characters .

  20. 第一节结合异文词语,对论辨析了《朱子捂类》中的48组同义词。

    The first part in this chapter is the analysis of 48 pair of synonyms combined with those in the variant text .

  21. 利用异文去校读铜器铭文,是一种值得重视的方法。

    Deciphering the Inscriptions on the bronze ware with the help of their variant forms is a method worthy of our attention .

  22. 但本文研究时,我们假定这些双音节异文中大部分为词语或词组。

    In this paper , we assume that most of the dual-syllable variations in Whole Tang Poetry are the words or phrases .

  23. 壮族文化从根本上改变了梁祝传说原有的风貌,使它产生了大量形式各异、内容不一的壮化异文。

    Zhuang culture has fundamentally changed the outlook of the original legends and made it have a large number of different variations .

  24. 对这三类异文采取了不同的处理方式:错误性异文依据校勘四法予以改正。

    The writer deals with the three kinds of variants with different methods . error variants are corrected by collation four methods .

  25. 不论从异文入手来研究文化,还是从文化的角度来理解异文,都是一项很有意义的工作。

    It is significant either to study culture from the aspect of variants or to comprehend variants from the aspect of culture .

  26. 在古籍整理与研究中区分字、词的异文对应关系是十分必要的。

    In sorting out and researching the ancient books , it is important to distinguish the correspondence relation between different characters and words .

  27. 第一章,主要研究了叙事民歌《韩秀英》的产生及其众多异文。

    The first chapter mainly discusses the narrative folk song " Han Xiu & ying " and the emergence of many different text .

  28. 这就表现出天主教传统会争论在他们崇拜的玛丽亚里面,并没有人神异文合并。

    On this showing , Catholic traditionalists would argue that there is no conflation of the human and divine levels in their veneration of Mary .

  29. 二是大量异文的存在,通过对徽州民间传说资料的整理,本文提炼出了三种具有代表性的传说类型,即通读文章型、寻找金牛型和仙人送水型,并逐一分析。

    Second is the existing of large of text-Varian ten . This article extracts three representative types of legends through sorting of materials of Huizhou Legends .

  30. 我们从早前或是同时代的书证中寻找例证来证明此处异文的这种生僻含义乃是其本身所具有的意义之一。

    We are looking for examples from earlier or contemporary documentaries to prove this uncommon meaning of the variation belongs to its own significance of one .