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  1. 他知道不教导上帝的话,反随己意教导是多么地危险。

    He knew the danger of preaching his own ideas rather than God 's.

  2. 风洞生测表明,反-2-己烯醛对成虫具有定向作用,而5-甲基-1-己醇不能引起华北大黑鳃金龟显著的行为反应。

    By wind tunnel tests , it was found that E-2-hexenal had orientating action toward H. oblita adults , however 5-Methyl-1-hexanol had no obvious functions .

  3. 视觉非己类最从要的一类感知方式,视觉信做反在己的感知信做外占了非常大的比沉。

    The vision is the most important perceptual way in human 's feeling , visual information account for a very large proportion in people 's perception information .

  4. 和灭数字亡储技巧和长媒体技巧的收铺,闭于海量的音视频资料入行亡储、管理、检索和再当用败了摆反在己们里后一个宽峻的课题。

    With the development of digital storage technology and multimedia technology , the data storage , management , retrieval and reuse about a flood of audio and video has become a serious issue .

  5. 本文提出的共同变形正、反分析方法己编制了相应的Fortran计算程序。

    The corresponding Fortran programs are designed for the mutual deformation analysis methods proposed in this paper .

  6. 随着计算机技术和几何造型技术的发展,反求工程己不再满足于简单的产品仿制,而是基于实物模型的产品创新。

    With the developing of computer and measurement technique , RE concentrates on no longer product copy but innovation .

  7. 一方里力图躲免反单他己研讨,同时也为后续的研讨工做奠订了实际基石。

    On the one hand , seeks to avoid duplication with other research , but also for the follow-up research work has laid a theoretical foundation .

  8. 顺式-,反式-1,2-环己二醇热力学性质的研究

    Study on Thermodynamics Properties of Cis - and Trans-1 , 2-cyclohexanediol

  9. 本文以4-苯基苯酚的催化氢化来制备反-4-苯基环己醇。

    Synthesis of trans-4-phenylcyclohexanol by hydrogenation of4-phenylphenol is studied in this paper .

  10. 反式-1,2-环己二醇合成工艺中甲酸回收的研究

    Study on the Recycle of Formic Acid in the Synthesis Process of Trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol

  11. 反式-1,2-环己二醇合成研究

    Study on synthesizing Trans-1 , 2-cyclohexanediol

  12. 因此,将跨国并购纳入我国的反垄断法律体系己成为我国立法的重要任务之一,研究如何对跨国并购进行反垄断法律规制具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , it has the practical and theoretical significance in studying how to regulate Transnational M & A in the Anti-monopoly Law .

  13. 应用间歇减压精馏对热敏性、高沸点、高凝固点的有机物&反式-1,2-环己二醇进行分离、提纯,通过采用变压强、变回流比的方法,优化出了最佳的操作工艺条件。

    Trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol which has heat sensitivity , high boiling point and high coagulating point is separated and purified with batch distillation under vacuum .

  14. 根据环己烯分子结构特点及相关反应的基础理论,提出在甲酸作为载氧剂的条件下,以过氧化氢氧化环己烯制备反式-1,2-环己二醇的工艺路线;

    According to the structure of cyclohexene and correlative synthesis theory , the method of synthesizing trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol was found , which was using hydrogen peroxide to oxidize cyclohexene to the target product while the formic acid was existing as oxygen carrier .