
  • 网络anti-feminist;Antifeminism;anti-feminism
  1. 传统形式的带订婚戒指也被越来越多的女性不能接受,她们认为这种形式是反女权主义的表现,因为带订婚戒意味着打上了“附属于谁”的标签。

    Traditions such as the wearing of an engagement ring are also increasingly being rejected by brides who feel it is anti-feminist - with such an obvious token to be worn on the finger marking the woman in question as ' taken ' .

  2. 他表示在他看来《时尚先生》比许多杂志更诚实的,援引报纸上用模特娜奥米•坎贝尔“反女权主义”的事例“因为她曾在玛莎百货购物”。

    He said that in his view Esquire was " more honest " than many titles , citing the " anti-feminist " example of a newspaper using a picture of model Naomi Campbell next to a financial story " because she shopped at Marks & Spencer once . "

  3. 这些是植根於生物学的观察结果,并不是为了迎合任何女权主义或反女权主义的思想。

    These are observations rooted in biology , not intended to mesh with any kind of pro - or anti-feminist ideology .

  4. 他表示在他看来《时尚先生》比许多杂志更诚实的,援引报纸上用模特娜奥米•坎贝尔反女权主义的事例因为她曾在玛莎百货购物。

    He said that in his view Esquire was more honest than many titles , citing the anti-feminist example of a newspaper using a picture of model Naomi Campbell next to a financial story because she shopped at Marks Spencer once .

  5. 不需要订婚戒指、不愿意像私有财产一样“被交付于谁”、不选择白色的婚纱作为婚礼服。婚礼上的反传统让女权主义的现代女性们乐此不疲。

    Doing away with the engagement ring , choosing not to be ' given away like property ' and wearing a colour other than white are key themes gaining traction in the feminist wedding trend .