
  1. 当股价突破支持,在60,但很少或根本没有时间来退出。

    When the stock broke support at60 , there was little or no time to exit .

  2. 在每个月月底,卖出所有股价突破了1美元的股票。

    At the end of every month , sell all of the stocks that went above $ 1 .

  3. 如果该美国存托凭证(ADR)股票在周二早上恢复交易时保持周一盘后交易上涨后的价位,那么百度股价将突破至新高,从而完成其历时三个月的盘整期。

    If shares retain their bump when trading in the ADRs resumes by Tuesday morning , Baidu will have completed a three-month consolidation as it breaks out to new highs .

  4. 本周三,百度股价轻松突破400美元。

    On Wednesday Baidu eased through $ 400 .

  5. 他们认为惠普的价值会渐渐恢复,一旦惠普理清头绪,其股价可能突破40美元。

    They expect the value of HP to rise over time , and once things are sorted out , the stock to fetch more than $ 40 .

  6. 谷歌股价首次突破800美元,这个网络巨头在突破每股700美元大关后用了四年的时间达到这一成绩。

    For the first time , Google stock has topped 800 dollars as it has come more than 4 years after the online giant first holding 700 a share .

  7. 至少有两位分析师已在今年预测称,苹果股价将突破每股1000美元,这意味着苹果要在周一收盘价的基础上再涨50%。

    And at least two analysts have predicted this year that Apple would top $ 1000 a share , which would represent a 50 % gain from Monday 's closing level .