
gǔ shén jīng
  • femoral nerve;nervus femoralis
股神经[gǔ shén jīng]
  1. 相对于其他周边神经损伤,股神经麻痹是较不常见的伤害。

    Femoral nerve injury is relatively uncommon among peripheral nerve injuries .

  2. 2例术后出现股神经损伤。

    Only 2 cases had the complication of the femoral nerve injury .

  3. 股神经损伤后脊髓内部P物质和L-脑啡肽的变化

    Changes of substance P and enkephalin in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord of the rat after unilateral femoral nerve section

  4. 缝匠肌桥接狗股神经缺损后神经再生的HRP逆行观察

    Observation on the HRP of Nerve Regeneration after Femoral Nerve of Dog Bridged with the Sartorius

  5. 切断股神经组;切断右侧股神经后,酶活性消失按首尾方向主要分布在L1~3节。

    Femoral nerve resection group : The TRAP activity disappeared after resection of the right femoral nerve , which was mainly distributed on L1-L3 segments in a head-tail direction .

  6. 结论:上述结果显示股神经投射区占SG内侧带外测部和中间带内侧部。

    Conclusion The results show that the projection area of femoral nerve to SG was in the outside of the inside zone and the inside of the medial zone .

  7. 肌腔隙内股神经横径为7.1±0.3mm;

    The transverse diameter of femoral nerve was 7.1 ± 0.3 mm .

  8. 结果有8具标本通过后部切口能够看到位于L5横突外前方的股神经和闭孔神经。

    Results The femoral and obturator nerves which were lateral and anterior to the 5th lumbar transverse process were visible in 8 cadavers through the posterior incision .

  9. 分别用红、白肌纤维为肌桥,桥接狗股神经和正中神经缺损3cm。

    Muscular bridges of red or white muscle fibers were used to suture respectively dogs ' femoral nerve and median nerve 3 cm defects .

  10. 生殖股神经与输尿管80.95%发生交叉,交叉点距髂嵴最高点平面上方的垂直距离在左侧为(0.73±0.21)cm、右侧(0.56±0.16)cm;

    Genitofemoral nerves furcated with 80.95 % of ureters , the perpendicular distances from furcation points to the plane of iliac crest vertex were ( 0.73 + 0.21 ) cm on the left and ( 0.56 + 0.16 ) cm on the right .

  11. 无菌条件下将实验组幼兔左侧后肢坐骨神经和股神经切断并切除1cm。

    The sciatic nerve and femoral nerve of the left side of hind legs of young rabbit in experimental group were cut off .

  12. 显露L4、L5神经前支、腰骶干和骶髂关节前方,将钛粉和粘合剂的混合物均匀涂抹在L4、L5神经前支、腰骶干、股神经神经以及闭孔主干表面。

    The mixture of titanium powder and adhesive was smeared on the surface of the major branches of L4 and L5 nerves , lumbosacral trunk , femoral nerves and obturator nerves .

  13. 结论周围神经具有强大的再生能力。C7移位分期修复股神经可重建截瘫患者下肢的部分感觉、运动功能。

    Conclusion C7 nerve transfer to repair the femoral nerve through the vascularized tibial nerve bridging in two stages could reconstruct the movement and sensation function of lower limb of paraplegia .

  14. 股神经100%异常亦为波幅降低或缺失,与MNCV结果相比有显著意义(P<0.005)。

    Femoral nerve was 100 % abnormal . Namely amplitude was reduced or disappeared . There was evident significance in comparison with MNCV ( p < 0 . 005 ) .

  15. 电刺激(3.8mA,1.0Hz,2s)右L5后根和右股神经,2犬均可记录到膀胱通尿肌肌电图。

    Stimuli ( 3 . 8 mA , 1 ' 0 Hz ) of the right L5 dorsal root and femoral nerve resulted in EMG recorded from the detrusor in 2 canines 18 months postoperation .

  16. 股神经距腹股沟韧带的深度为11.7±0.4mm;股神经横径中点到髂前上嵴距离为62.0±0.8mm。

    The distance between femoral nerve to inguinal ligament and the distance from the middle of femoral nerve to anterior superior iliac spine were 11.7 ± 0.4 mm and 62 ± 0.8 mm respectively .

  17. 目的观察大鼠桡神经移位修复股神经,重建股四头肌功能的效果,并应用C7神经根移位,通过长段神经桥接修复股神经,重建截瘫患者双下肢的部分功能。

    Objective Based on investigating the results of brachial plexus nerve transfer to repair the femoral nerve in rats , C7 nerve root transfer to femoral nerve autograft to reconstruct the function of quadriceps femoris of paraplegia was designed and evaluated clinically .

  18. 股神经和坐骨神经切断侧“足三里”注射CLN产生的镇痛作用与健侧“足三里”注射者无明显差别。

    There was no significant difference in analgesic effect between injection of CLN into " Zusanli " points on the side where femoral nerve and sciatic nerve were cut off and on the health side .

  19. 方法:建立单侧隐睾鼠模型(21d龄),切断该侧生殖股神经,120d后观察对侧睾丸的生精细胞凋亡及组织乳酸含量变化。

    Method : After building unilateral cryptorchid rats models ( 21 days old ) and dividing the ipsilateral genitofemoral nerve , the germ cells apoptosis and the concentrations of lactate of contralateral testes were determined and compared at 120 days later .

  20. 输尿管与生殖股神经的应用解剖及临床意义

    Applied Anatomy and Clinic Significance of the Ureter and Genitofemoral Nerve

  21. 肢体预缺血、高频电刺激股神经减小大鼠心肌缺血-再灌注后的梗塞范围

    Limb ischemic preconditioning reduces infarct size following myocardial ischemia-reperfusion in rats

  22. 肌的运动神经来自股神经的股内侧肌支。

    Thenerve innervating the muscle derived from the femoral nerve .

  23. 髂腰肌血肿致股神经麻痹1例

    Femoral nerve paralysis caused by iliopsoas muscular hematon : a case report

  24. 自体缝匠肌桥接狗股神经和正中神经缺损的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Dog Femoral and Median Nerve Bridge with Auto-sartorius Muscle

  25. 生殖股神经移植重建大鼠勃起神经通道

    Genitofemoral nerve graft repair the ablated cavernous nerves in rats

  26. 外伤性股神经嵌压2例报告

    Femoral Compressive Neuropathy Secondary to Trauma : A Report of 2 Cases

  27. 髋臼骨折合并股神经损伤相关因素分析

    Correlative factors influencing acetabular fracture associated with femoral nerve injury

  28. 神经营养因子对大鼠坐股神经再生的影响

    Influences of neurotrophic factors on regeneration of sciatic nerve rats

  29. 骨盆骨折并股神经损伤1例

    A case of pelvic fracture with femoral nerve injury

  30. 论B股回购双峰驼股神经的解剖

    On repurchase of B-share Anatomical Observation on Femoral Nerve in Two humped Camel