
  • 网络piriformis syndrome;Pyriformis Syndrome;Piriformis Muscle Syndrome
  1. 结果:23例均有臀腿麻痛,但具有典型梨状肌综合征症状和体征者仅6例,CT检查有3例显示腰椎间盘突出。

    Results : All 23 cases had haunch-crural numbness or pain , among them , only 6 cases had typical symptoms and signs of piriformis syndrome , CT displayed the lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion in 3 cases .

  2. 目的鉴别非典型梨状肌综合征与肢体缺血性疾病,提高诊断和治愈率。

    Objective To differentiate non-typical piriformis syndrome and avascular diseases of limbs .

  3. 目的:观察针刺治疗梨状肌综合征的疗效;

    Objective : to investigate the acupuncture treatment of piriformis syndrome ;

  4. 23例梨状肌综合征误诊为腰突症分析

    Analysis of 23 cases of piriformis syndrome misdiagnosed as lumbar disc herniation

  5. 梨状肌综合征误诊为慢性肢体缺血性疾病22例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Piriformis Syndrome Misdiagnosed as Chronic Ischemic Diseases of Limbs

  6. 针刺配合电针治疗梨状肌综合征68例临床观察

    Treatment of 68 Cases of Piriform Syndrome with Acupuncture and Electrical Acupuncture

  7. 小针刀治疗梨状肌综合征128例疗效观察

    Piriformis injury syndrome treated with little-knife in 128 cases

  8. 观察推拿理筋手法配合局部温针治疗梨状肌综合征的疗效。

    To observe the effect of massage and local warm acupuncture on piriformis syndrome .

  9. 梨状肌综合征的诊断与治疗

    The Diagnosis and Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome

  10. 粗针松解治疗梨状肌综合征

    Releasing with crude needle for pyriformis syndrome

  11. 综合治疗梨状肌综合征的康复效果及功能评定:附73例分析

    Function assessment and effect of combined treatment for piriformis syndrome & a report of 73 cases

  12. 齐刺结合白虎摇头手法治疗梨状肌综合征161例临床观察

    Clinical observation on 161 cases of piriformis syndrome treated with triple puncture combined with white tiger shaking head method

  13. 目的:探讨扇形封闭对老年性梨状肌综合征的治疗效果及临床意义。

    AIM : To evaluate the curative effect of sector blocking of piriform muscle in old patients with piriformis syndrome .

  14. 粗针齐刺加隔姜灸治疗梨状肌综合征36例疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of 36 Cases of Piriformis Injury Syndrome Treated by Triple Needling with Thick Needles Plus Ginger-Partitioned Moxibustion

  15. 干性坐骨神经痛临床症状如梨状肌综合征、骶髂关节炎、结核或半脱位、腰大肌脓肿、盆腔脏器疾病或肿瘤及臀部肌内注射不当损伤神经等。

    Sciatica may result from one of three physiologic abnormalities : mechanical deformation of the nerve , inflammation of nerve joints or intervertebral discs , or immunologic factors .

  16. 所以在临床上,在诊断梨状肌综合征时,要十分慎重,切不可以轻下结论。

    Be in so clinical on , when flesh of diagnostic pear shape is asked for integratedly , want very discreet , must not with making conclusions gently .

  17. 方法:采用粗针齐刺加隔姜灸治疗梨状肌综合征36例,并与局部封闭治疗32例进行比较。

    Methods 36 cases of piriformis syndrome were treated by triple needling with thick needles plus ginger partitioned moxibustion and 32 cases by local blocking , and their therapeutic effects were compared .

  18. 全部病例均按软组织外科学理论和方法,结合其他临床方法进行程式化诊断,并经治疗验证为梨状肌综合征。

    All cases were diagnosed as piriformis syndrome according to the diagnostic program of the theories and methods of soft tissue surgery combined with other clinical methods , and were tested by the treatment .

  19. 筛选出临床治疗性研究文献后,遵循循证医学的证据分级和评价方法,纳入较高等级证据文献,从中提取出关于针刀治疗梨状肌综合征临床实践的技术性研究资料。

    Filter out the clinical research literature , follow evidence-based medicine grading and evaluation and research into high-grade evidence literature , extracted from the technical research data about acupuncture therapy piriformis syndrome in clinical practice .

  20. 采用针灸、手法、枝川注射疗法等中西医结合治疗单纯梨状肌综合征俄罗斯患者100例,并与采用西医常规疗法的俄医组(49例)作疗效对照。

    Russian patients with simple piriformis injury syndrome were treated by acupuncture , massage and Zhichuan injection ( treatment group ), and 49 patients were treated by routine western medicine as control ( control group ) .

  21. 探讨小针刀配合中药治疗梨状肌损伤综合征的疗效。

    To discuss the cure effect of small needle-knife combined with TCM on piriformis injury syndrome .

  22. 梨状肌大转子止点封闭法治疗梨状肌综合征全封闭定点通风现代化矿井的建设新思路

    Piriformis tendon block in the treatment of piriformis syndrome Construction New Method of Entire Seal Fixed Point Ventilation in Modern Mine

  23. 闭孔肌器官性构造,如软腭,用以关闭身体开口梨状肌大转子止点封闭法治疗梨状肌综合征

    An organic structure , such as the soft palate , that closes an opening in the body . Piriformis tendon block in the treatment of piriformis syndrome