
lí zǎo
  • Jujube;pear and date;printing blocks made from such wood
梨枣 [lí zǎo]
  • [wooden printing blocks (usu.made of pear and date wood)] 古代印书的木刻板,多用梨木或枣木刻成,所以称雕版印刷的版为梨枣

  • 付之梨枣

  1. 减压贮藏对抑制大久保桃和梨枣MDA的积累有一定作用,并减缓了大久保桃和梨枣果肉相对电导率的增加。

    Hypobaric storage reduced the accumulation of MDA content and the relative conductivity .

  2. 相关性分析表明,大久保桃和梨枣果肉中H2O2含量、O2~&产生速率与MDA含量、果肉相对电导率之间均呈极显著的正相关性。

    The O-2 and H2O2 content all positively correlated with MDA content and relative conductivity extremely significantly .

  3. 梨枣采后乙烯释放量、丙二醛(MDA)含量和脂氧合酶(LOX)活性呈上升而硬度、维生素C(VC)含量和好果率呈逐渐下降趋势。

    Ethylene production , MDA content and LOX activity of postharvest li jujube fruit increased , butfirmness , VC content and sound fruit rate decreased .

  4. IAA、ABA和乙烯利对梨枣采后某些生理指标的影响

    Effects of IAA , ABA and Ethephon on Some Physiological Indexes of Postharvest Li Jujube ( Zizyphus jujuba cv . lizao ) Fruit

  5. 结果表明,2个枣品种的多酚氧化酶均有一个最适pH值,为70;冬枣PPO的最适天然底物是没食子酸,梨枣则是阿魏酸。

    It was showed that both Jujube cultivars had an optimum pH range , the value was 7 0 The optimum native substrate of PPO in ` Dongzao ' was gallate , and in ` Lizao ' was asafoetida acid .

  6. 研究确定梨枣真空冻干的最佳工艺参数为采用0.2%的Vc护色、搁板温度70℃、枣片厚度3.0mm。

    The research show that the technical parameters of vacuum freeze-dry pear Chinese date are 70 ℃ shelf temperature , 0.3 centimeter thickness , 0.2 % VC to protect colour .

  7. IAA/GA3、IAA/Z值直至坐果后55d、40d保持低水平,但之后急剧提高。梨枣坐果后10d,无仁果肉的3种生长类激素含量皆高于有仁果。

    IAA / GA 3 , IAA / Z kept low within 55,40 days separately after fruit set , but raised very fast after that . Three growth hormones in the pulp of seedless fruit were higher than seeded fruit .

  8. 文章以榆次区主栽鲜食品种梨枣为试验材料,研究了在0±2℃贮藏条件下,不同浓度的乙醇处理(1.5mL/kg、2.5mL/kg、4.5mL/kg)对梨枣果实品质的影响。

    The article researched a different ethanol consistency ( 1.5mL / kg , 2.5vmL / kg , 4.5mL / kg ) treated Pyriform Jujube mainly planted in YuCi for the influence of rigidity , content of vitamin C and rot ratio when preserved in 0 ± 2 ℃ .

  9. 水分调控下梨枣树节水机理及补偿效应研究

    Study on Water-Saving Mechanism and Compensation Effect of Pear-Jujube on Water-Regulated

  10. 梨枣、仁用杏的细胞膜伤害率比早露蟠桃和牛心李低。

    Apricot and Jujube cell membrane injury rate were lower than Peachand Plum .

  11. 不同生育期调亏灌溉对温室梨枣品质的影响

    Effects of regulated deficit irrigation at different growth stages on greenhouse pear-jujube quality

  12. 杏花粉的低压保存研究显著提高了大久保桃和梨枣的好果率,延缓了果实的成熟与衰老进程。

    Hypobaric storage delayed the progress of senescence , enhance the storage life .

  13. 梨枣组织培养的研究

    Study on Tissue Culture of Pear Jujube

  14. 不同的土壤水势处理影响梨枣果实相对含水量、风味品质和营养品质。

    Relative water content , taste and quality of pear-jujube fruit are different indifferent soil water potential .

  15. 以梨枣为试材,研究了采前套袋对梨枣果实贮藏效果的影响。

    In this paper , effects of preharvest bagging on postharvest storage property of Lizao jujube were studied .

  16. 因此,应根据实际需要和梨枣各个生育期对土壤水分的需求控制土壤水势。

    Thus , soil water potential should be control byneed of pear-jujube in different growth and development period .

  17. 分析减压条件对梨枣生理生化变化的影响。

    The aim was to analyze the effect of hypobaric condition on physiological and biochemical changes of Lizao jujube .

  18. 本试验以梨枣和冬枣为试材,研究了梨枣和冬枣采后在减压条件下的乙醇积累以及活性氧代谢生理。

    The post-harvest ethanol accumulation and physiology of active oxygen metabolism of Lizao and Dongzao under hypobaric condition were studied .

  19. 结果表明:骏枣、梨枣和苹果的导管细胞均为孔纹导管类型;

    The result indicated that : Vessel cells of Jun - , Li-jujube and the apple were the pitted vessel type ;

  20. 西北半干旱区梨枣树水分高效利用机制与最优调亏灌溉模式研究

    Efficient Water Use Mechanism and Application Patterns of Optimized Regulated Deficit Irrigation of Pear-Jujube Tree in the Semi-Arid Region of Northwest China

  21. 结论:适时适量的灌溉制度,是节水高产优质梨枣生产的重要保证。

    Conclusion : Irrigation with appropriate amount and frequency is an important guarantee for the high-fruit-yield and water-saving production of high-quality jujube .

  22. 通过叶片形态结构参数比较结果,初步判定四种果树抗旱性顺序为:梨枣、仁用杏>牛心李>早露蟠桃。

    Four stone fruits drought-resistance were judged by comparing leaves parameters , the order was Apricot > Jujube > Plum > Peach .

  23. 本试验以梨枣为试材,主要研究了采前套袋与采后不同浓度的碳酸氢钾和戴挫霉处理对梨枣果实贮藏效果的影响。

    In this thesis , effects of bagging in pre-harvest and medicament treatments in postharvest on postharvest storage property of Lizao jujube were studied .

  24. 本论文以干旱荒漠区早露蟠桃、仁用杏、牛心李、梨枣为试验材料,探索上述果树在干旱荒漠区根系分布及叶片形态结构特点。

    The dissertation studies on the roots distribution and leaves configuration properties of Peach , Apricot , Plum , Jujube which were growing in arid-desert area .

  25. 作物调亏灌溉理论与技术研究进展及发展趋势不同生育期调亏灌溉对温室梨枣品质的影响

    Theoretical and Technology Research Advancement and Development Trend Prospect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Crops Effects of regulated deficit irrigation at different growth stages on greenhouse pear-jujube quality

  26. 通过分析土壤植物大气连续体各界面的指标数量关系与内在联系,最后综合探讨陕北梨枣树栽培水分优化调控问题。

    At last , water optimal control theory of jujube cultivation were summarized by analyzing the quantitative relations and inner link of indexes for each interface of soil-plant-atmosphere continuum .

  27. 采用真空冷冻干燥技术,探讨了护色、搁板温度、物料厚度等因素对梨枣冻干时间、品质的影响。

    In this paper , we adopt vacuum freeze-dry technique and studied the effect of color preserving , shelf temperature , material weight on freeze-dry time and quality of pear Chinese date .

  28. 试验确定梨枣树果实膨大期与开花期为主要亏水时期,需要进行合理的人为补灌,确保梨枣树健康的生长。

    Fruit expanding period , leaf expansion and flowering period were the main water deficit period , and reasonable irrigation was needed to ensure healthy growth of jujube trees in this time .

  29. 光照强度一直为梨枣蒸腾的主要影响因素,花期、果实膨大期和采摘期光照强度与蒸腾为正相关;座果期和果实成熟期为负相关。

    Light intensity was the main factors affecting transpiration all the time . In flowering reason , fruit expanding stage and fruit picking period , light intensity and transpiration were positively related .

  30. 有机肥可提高梨枣的土壤含水量、叶片相对含水量和水分利用效率,其中以施用羊粪对促进梨枣的水分利用效果最优。

    Sheep Manure has the best effect on improving the efficiency of water using through comprehensive analysis of different treatment of the soil water content , leaf relative water content and water use efficiency .