
  1. 复合吸收促进剂对葛根素肠吸收及毒性的影响

    Effect of multi-combination absorption enhancer on puerarin intestinal absorption and its toxicity

  2. 目的研究黄芩苷和黄芩素的肠吸收特性。

    OBJECTIVE To study the absorption characteristics of baicalin and baicalein .

  3. P-选择素与肠缺血再灌注多器官损伤的研究

    P-selectin and Multiple Organs Injury of Intestinal Ischemia - Reperfusion

  4. P-选择素在肠缺血再灌注致大鼠多器官损伤中的表达及意义

    Expression and significance of P-selectin in multiple organ dysfunction induced by intestinal ischemia reperfusion

  5. 方法:以大鼠在体肠灌流模型从吸收部位、药物浓度考察秦皮甲素的肠吸收动力学情况。

    Method : The study was performed by intestinal perfusion model in rats to observe the effect of absorption sites and concentrations on absorption kinetics of aesculin .

  6. 现已成功开发出放射性核素标记的α-黑色素细胞刺激激素、神经紧张素、血管活性肠肽、铃蟾肽、P物质、神经肽Y、缩胆囊素类似物等,并已进行体内、外研究。

    Radiolabeled analogs of alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone , neurotensin , vasoactive intestinal peptide , bombesin , substance P , neuropeptide Y , gastrin and cholecystokinin are also being developed and evaluated in vitro and in vivo .

  7. OJ+能全素组给予肠内营养10d,总热量为610kJ/(kg.d),氮量1.0g/(kg.d)。

    In OJ + Nutrison group , nutritional formulae were given for 10 days , total calorie was 610kJ / ( kg . d ) and nitrogen amount was 1.0g / ( kg . d ) .

  8. 汉防己甲素在各肠段均有较好的吸收。

    Tetrandrine is well absorbed at all segments of intestine in rats .

  9. 人胎儿胸腺精氨酸&加压素、血管活性肠肽和5-羟色胺免疫反应细胞

    The argininevasopressin , vasoactive intestinal peptide and serotonin immunoreactive cells in FETUS THYMUS

  10. 肝硬化患者血浆降钙素原与肠黏膜损伤的关系

    Relationship between plasma procalcitonin and the intestinal mucosal injury in patients with liver cirrhosis

  11. 结论丹参素通过降低肠源性内毒素水平,改善肝脏微循环障碍,从而减轻急性重型肝损伤。

    Conclusion Danshensu protects the liver from injury by the decrease of endotoxin amount and the improvement of hepatic microcirculation .

  12. 蛙皮素能够使肠粘膜上皮细胞更为成熟,且胃肠粘膜细胞增殖率亦显著增加(P<0.05)。

    Moreover , bombesin could stimulate intestinal epithelium cells maturation and increase the proliferative rate of mucosa cells in neonatal gut ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 乳果糖对白细胞介素-18介导肠黏膜屏障的影响

    Effect of lactulose on interleukin-18 mediated barrier of intestinal mucosa

  14. 例如胰高血糖素样肽-1肠抑�

    such as glucagon-like peptide-1 , enterostatin ,

  15. β-连环素正常表达的肠型和弥漫型胃癌也有更高的五年生存率(P<0.05)。

    There are also survival advantage was observed in retaining normal membranous expression of β - catenin with intestinal and diffuse tumors ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  16. 结论除生长抑素受体外,胃泌素瘤和肠血管活性多肽瘤还表达胰泌素、蛙皮素、肠血管活性多肽受体。

    Conclusions Besides somatostatin receptors , most of gastrinomas and VIPomas also express receptors for bombesin , secretin and vasoactive intestinal peptide .

  17. α-黑素细胞刺激素对抗大鼠肠缺血再灌注损伤的作用及机制

    Effect of alpha - melanocyte stimulating hormone on intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats and its mechanism

  18. SST抑制胰酶分泌和胆汁分泌,还抑制内分泌激素如分泌素、胰岛素、胰高血糖素和血管活性肠肽的分泌。

    SST inhibits pancreatic enzyme secretion and bile secretion . It also inhibits the secretion of secretin , insulin , glucagons and vasoactive intestinal peptide .