
  • 网络Library;database;Media Catalog;ekoooo.com;Material Library
  1. 多媒体美术教学资源管理系统由多媒体管理子系统和多媒体美术信息资源系统两个子系统组成,而信息资源系统是由教材库和素材库两部组成。

    Multimedia art teaching resources management system by the management subsystem , and multimedia art multimedia information resources system of two subsystems , and information resources system is composed of two materials composed of libraries and library materials .

  2. 第四部分论述了Linux桌面系统下如何完善图片素材库及体育多媒体课件的制作步骤。

    In the fourth part of the paper discusses how to improve the Linux desktop picture material library and the step to made sports multimedia courseware .

  3. 基于WEB的教学素材库的模型设计

    Model Design of Web - Based Teaching Material House

  4. 基于Web的机械设计基础课程教学素材库

    The Research of Teaching Material House about Basic Lessons of MACHINE DESIGN based on Web

  5. 纹理和贴图&对于材质我一直在使用3DTotal的素材库。

    Texturing and Shading – For texturing I 've been using the Total Texture collection .

  6. 课件素材库平台构建中的XML技术应用。

    The application of XML technology in the construction of the courseware material storehouse platform .

  7. 过程装备电子模型素材库CAI系统开发

    The process equipments electronics model material warehouse CAI system 's exploitage

  8. CAI素材库逻辑结构及其操作模式

    The Logical Structure of CAI Material Database and Its Operation Scheme

  9. 基于面向对象技术的多媒体CAI素材库系统

    Multimedia CAI Material Database System Based on Object Oriented Techniques

  10. 基于Web的课件素材库平台的构建技术。

    The key points of the thesis are as follows : 1 Construction technology of the courseware material storehouse on the basis of Web .

  11. 利用BT技术构建分布式多媒体素材库

    The Construction of Distributed Database of Multimedia Material Base on BT Technology

  12. 教材素材库也是用Access数据库实现的。分词、注音、标注后检查与统计等模块都达到了最初的设计要求。

    The teaching material database is also developed by the Access database . Segmentation , Pinyin tagging , inspection and statistics module meet the original design requirements .

  13. DVD技术在气象影视素材库建设中的应用

    Application of DVD Technology to the Meteorological Video and Audio Material Storage

  14. 应用LOM元数据实现星地一体教育资源媒体素材库的组织建设

    The Application of LOM Metadata in the Media Database

  15. 介绍了一个基于网络的机械基础多媒体素材库系统,它采用B/S三层体系结构,具有较好的Web操作界面和数据库管理功能,易操作、易掌握。

    In this paper , a networked multimedia material library of mechanical base is introduced . The system adopted the B / S three layers architecture and has better Web operation windows and database managing function and can be operated and mastered easily .

  16. 运用BT技术建立分布式多媒体素材库很好地解决了这些问题,BT技术的应用将会对多媒体资源库系统的建设和发展产生重大的影响。

    BT technology has solved these problems effectively and the application of BT technology will produce great influence to the construction and development of the database of multimedia material .

  17. 在教学手段现代化的进程中,建设一个物理内容广泛资源丰富和容易获得的、公开的教学素材库,能更好发挥物理CAI的辅助教学作用。

    In the course of the developing modern teaching and learning means , an opening and acquiring easily physical resource library with abroad contents , affluent resource can exert better function in the physical CAI .

  18. 引进模板化、积木式设计思想,在UG平台的基础上开发了覆盖件模具结构设计CAD系统的模板库,并建立了包含标准件和标准结构的素材库,实现了模具结构的模板化设计。

    The design thought of templet and modular was adopted to strengthen the standardization of structural designs of auto panel dies . A templet base of structure CAD system of auto panel dies was developed on UG software platform .

  19. 素材库包含6个相关部分:PPT课件库、事故案例库、事故图片库、再现演示库、资料库和论文库。

    The bank includes six relevant parts : PPT courseware bank , accident case bank , accident photograph bank , reconstruction demo bank , document material bank and paper bank .

  20. 分析了如何将高品质DVD制作技术应用到省级气象影视素材库建设中的方法,以及充分利用DVD的高画质、多音轨、多字幕等相关制作技术为气象影视工作服务的技巧。

    This article introduces the method that high-qualified DVD technology applies in provincial meteorological video and audio material storage . The DVD technology such as high-qualify , multi-soundtrack , multi-character serves us for meteorological video and audio work .

  21. 计算机多媒体技术的发展,使计算机辅助教学得以普及和推广,CAI教学方法也从课件的形式转向了积件和多媒体素材库的形式。

    The teaching way of Computer Aided Instruction ( CAI ) has been changed in the forms from coursewares , integrable wares and multimedia material warehouse with the development of the multimedia technology of computer and with the popularization of the computer aided education .

  22. 高等远程教育媒体素材库元数据初探

    The Metadata Exploration about Media Material Database of Modern Distance Education

  23. 基于校园网的多媒体素材库建设

    Researching and Constructing about Multimedia Source Storehouse Based on School net

  24. 关于建立工程中的化学问题多媒体素材库的设想

    Assumption of Establishing the Multimedia Material Base of Chemical Problems in Engineering

  25. 视频教学素材库建设与管理刍议

    Discuss on the Construction of Teaching-Video Database and Routine Management

  26. 着力解决了教学素材库的教学性和规范性问题。

    It resolves the teaching and criterions of the teaching materials store .

  27. 高原特色病理学多媒体素材库的构建及意义

    Construction of Multimedia Material Bank for Plateau Characteristic Pathology and Its Significance

  28. 网络教学媒体素材库的规范化建设

    Standardization construction of teaching media resource system based on web

  29. 我国大型运动会开幕式表演道具的素材库建设

    Construction on Properties Database of Opening Ceremony Performance in Large-scale Sports Games

  30. 媒体素材库的分层元数据模型。

    Firstly , the metadata model of media material delamination .