
  1. 论国家文献信息资源保障体系建设

    On the Development of a National Library and Information Resource System

  2. 面向用户的西部信息资源保障体系建设

    Construction of User-oriented Information Resources Security System in the Western Region

  3. 河南省文献信息资源保障体系的共建共享

    On Henan 's Security System of Document & Information Resource

  4. 关于建立武汉·中国光谷信息资源保障体系的构想

    Setting Up Information Resource System of the Optical Valley in Wuhan China

  5. 河北省科研信息资源保障体系的优化对策

    The Optimization of Resource Supplying System for the Scientific Research in Hebei Province

  6. 省级文献信息资源保障体系构建研究

    On the Establishment of a Sound Regional Provincial Information Resources Protection System in China

  7. 论民族地方高校二级文献信息资源保障体系建设

    On the Construction of Secondary Information Resources Guarantee System in Universities in Minority Nationality regions

  8. 试论地方高校图书馆文献信息资源保障体系的构建

    The Construction of the Security System of Document and Information Resources in Libraries of Local Colleges

  9. 再论我国信息资源保障体系建设&纪念南宁会议20周年

    Discussion again about National Information Resource System Construction & 20 years anniversary of the Nanning Conference

  10. 数字环境下我国农业信息资源保障体系建设研究

    Study on the construction of agriculture information resources security system of our country under the digital environment

  11. 珠三角中职中专图书馆信息资源保障体系建设研究

    Study of the Information Resources Security System in Secondary Vocational School and Secondary Technical School Library in Zhujiang Delta

  12. 企业信息资源保障体系是企业进行信息化的重要组成部分,也是企业进行科技创新的基础保障。

    Information resource guarantee system is an important part of enterprise informatization and the basis of S & T innovation .

  13. 海南省高校文献信息资源保障体系建设的历史、现状分析

    Analysis of the History and Present Situation of the Construction Securing System in Hainan Province 's Colleges and University 's Documents and Information Resources

  14. 本文对海南省高校文献信息资源保障体系建设的历史、现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。

    Analyzing the history and present situation of Hainan province 's colleges and university 's documents and information resources construction securing system , and putting forward counter-measures .

  15. 农业信息资源保障体系建设是农业信息化的核心问题,对加快我国农业经济发展、建设社会主义新农村有着非常重要的意义。

    The construction of agriculture information resources security system is the core of agriculture informationization , it has a very important meaning for the development of agriculture economy of our country .

  16. 本文按照创新的思路,围绕青海省科技信息资源保障体系建设问题,分别从本省科技信息资源系统存在的问题、建设原则以及资源保障体系结构等进行了论述。

    In term of innovation and focuses on the construction of technical information resources protection system , this paper discusses the existing problems , construction principles and structure of resources protection system .

  17. 三是完善政府信息资源共享的保障体系,主要是从法律、技术、组织和人力资源方面展开论述。

    Thirdly , it should perfect the safeguarding system of the governmental information resource sharing , elaborating mainly from the aspects of law , technology , organization and human resources .

  18. 进入21世纪以来,世界各国特别是欧美发达国家都将知识创新战略的实施置于国家发展的制高点,加大了对信息资源和服务保障体系的建设和投入。

    Since entering the 21st century , the implementation of knowledge innovation strategic has been considered as the prior development in all countries especially for Euro-American countries . As a result , the investment in the construction of information resource and service guarantee system has been increased year by year .

  19. 西部地区文献信息资源共建共享安全保障体系分析

    Analysis on the Security Guaranteeing System for the Co-constructing and Sharing of the Literature Resources in Western China

  20. 阐述了现代图书馆以人为本,读者第一的思想,指出了图书馆应在科学发展观指导下,建立现代信息知识服务和资源保障体系。

    This paper points out that the library should establish the modern information knowledge service and resource guaranteeing system under the guidance of the scientific concept of development , and expounds the thought of people-based concept and reader first in the modern library .

  21. 以计算机网络为依托的信息资源建设成为信息资源保障体系的最佳模式,促使信息资源库与信息资源网建设成为了新的热点。

    To rely on computer networks for the protection of information resources into a system of information resources best model to the information resources and information resource network into a new hot spot .

  22. 21世纪的信息资源建设,必须重视:建立合理的信息资源保障体系,加强数据库建设,加强人才培养等三个问题。

    This paper discusses that should pay attention on information resources construction in the 21st century and some concerning problems .

  23. 在技术层面上存在的问题主要是政府信息资源质量的评价体系和政府信息资源的安全保障体系的问题。

    The problems related with the technologies mainly refer to the evaluation system of the quality of government information resources and the security assurance system of government information resources .

  24. 文献信息资源共享体系建设包括建设丰富的文献信息资源保障体系、建设完备的书目信息检索网络和建立响应快速的文献传递系统。

    ? The construction of document resource sharing system include building an abundant information resource system , a perfect retrieval network of bibliography and a speedy responsive document delivery system .

  25. 文章分析了知识管理对企业信息资源管理的影响,归纳了企业信息资源管理保障体系的要素,提出了优化企业信息资源管理保障体系的对策措施。

    The paper analyzes the influence of knowledge management on enterprise information resources management , summarizes the factors of the guarantee system of enterprise information resources management , and puts forward some countermeasures for its optimization .

  26. 生物医学学科的高速发展对生物医学信息资源保障提出更高的要求,生物医学信息资源保障体系的建立和完善将为生物医学知识创新和技术创新提供更加强大的信息支持。

    The high-speed growth of biomedical science places a higher demand on biomedical information resources construction and service , the development and improvement of the biomedical IRG system will provide a greater support for updated knowledge and technological innovations in biomedicine .

  27. 本文从创新的角度出发,介绍了企业科技创新中的信息需求,然后分别就面向企业科技创新的信息资源保障体系建设的建设原则、框架、管理模式进行了讨论。

    This paper introduces the information requirement in the process of S & T innovation of enterprises , then discusses the construction principle , frame , and management model of the construction of information resource guarantee system respectively .

  28. 针对我国中小学文献信息资源建设和利用的现状,探讨建设中小学信息资源保障体系的必要性和现实意义。

    In view of the building and utilizing actuality on our literature resources in primary school and middle school , the writer discusses necessity and actuality meaning on setting up the school information resources guarantee system in our country .

  29. 通过对楚雄彝族自治州的文献信息资源建设、分布情况的调查、分析,提出建立新的地区文献信息资源保障体系,开展资源共建共享的若干建议。

    By the investigating on construction and location of literature information resources of Chuxiong Yi Nationality autonomous prefecture , this article makes suggestions to construct ensuring system of regional literature information resource and to develop resource common construction and share .

  30. 根据读者文献信息资源需求特点、需求规律及其影响等因素,提出了读者利用文献资源的服务思路与措施,对济源市文献信息资源的保障体系提出了几点建议。

    According to the readers ' demand character and law of bibliographic information and its influence , the authors puts forward the service thought and measures that the readers utilize the bibliographic resources and also proposes several suggestion on the guarantee system of bibliographic information resources in Jiyuan .