
  • 网络knowledge warehouse;knowledge repository
  1. 基于XML主题地图的知识仓库

    Knowledge warehouse based on XML topic maps

  2. KMS中的知识仓库模式设计

    Design of knowledge warehouse schema in KMS

  3. IBM对应的办法是维持几十个知识仓库,与咨询人员提供的各种专业服务相对应。

    IBM 's response is to maintain dozens of knowledge repositories that correspond to the various specialized services that its consultants provide .

  4. 首次把关联规则挖掘技术引入网络制造资源信息检索系统中,并提出一种基于网络化制造资源检索的知识仓库GA的用户兴趣挖掘方法。

    This paper first comes up with a method of applying user preference-based association rules mining technique to NMR retrieval system .

  5. Edutella/JXTA是一个P2P项目,它通过提供基于RDF的资源声明、查询描述和RDF知识仓库,能够支持异种结点间的互操作。

    Edutella / JXTA is a P2P project . It can support interoperation between heterogeneous peers by providing RDF resource notion , query description and repository .

  6. 提出了集成数据仓库DW、知识仓库KW和模型仓库MW作为底部架构的体系结构,能有效解决这一问题。

    The structure of the system based on data warehouse , knowledge warehouse and model warehouse was put forward , which can effectively solve the problem .

  7. TM以有效时间间隔(VTL)为基础实现了知识仓库组成元素的时域串行化描述。

    Temporal serialization description for the elements in the knowledge warehouse is realized by Temporal Model , which is based on VTL ( Valid Time Interval ) .

  8. 串行化有利于时域推论、基于时间的约束管理以及通过语义关系对知识仓库中的历史知识快照的获取。(4)提出对基于主题地图知识仓库维护的TOM算法。

    Temporal serialization is important to temporal deduction , time-based constraints management and the retrieval for the history snapshot of the knowledge warehouse . Fourthly , TOM ( Topic & Occurrence-oriented Merging ) algorithm is presented to maintain the Topic Maps-based knowledge warehouse .

  9. 作者就本院图书馆自使用中国医院知识仓库(CHKD)数据库以来,在阅读、检索、管理等方面,对印刷型期刊与CHKD期刊全文数据库的应用作了介绍和对比。

    This paper aims to introduce the application of the China Hospital Knowledge Database ( CHKD ) in library of our hospital and to compare the differences with printed periodicals in reading , retrieval and management .

  10. 以某科技情报知识仓库为例介绍了如何应用TPI系统建设特色型的数字图书馆,为图书馆及科技情报界建设具有单位特色的数字图书馆提供了参考。

    The paper introduces the method of how to apply TPI system to construct characteristic digital library through the example of certain technological intelligence knowledge bank , thus provides some references to library and technological intelligence circles on how to construct self - characteristic digital bank .

  11. 为了使农业工程文献信息资源能快速、准确、完整地提供给广大农业工程科技人员参考利用,中国农业大学图书馆(东区)利用现代信息技术构筑了农业工程知识仓库(AEKD)。

    In order to supply agricultural engineering information more efficiently , accurately and completely for agricultural engineering technicians , China Agricultural University Library at East Campus is making use of modern network technology to build an Agricultural Engineering Knowledge Database ( AEKD ) .

  12. 基于知识仓库的虚拟产品开发技术探析

    Exploration on Development Technology of Virtual Products Based on Knowledge Warehouse

  13. 基于数据仓库和知识仓库的决策支持系统

    Decision Support System Based on Data Warehouse and Knowledge Warehouse

  14. 《中国医院知识仓库》期刊全文库检索功能存在的问题和改进建议

    Problems in full-text search functions of CHKD and suggestions for their solution

  15. 虚拟企业的知识仓库结构及决策研究

    The Research of Knowledge Warehouse Architecture And Decision on the Virtual Enterprise

  16. 中国医院知识仓库在医院图书馆的应用探讨

    Probe into the application of China hospital knowledge storage in hospital library

  17. 海洋知识仓库服务平台建设研究

    On the Construction of Oceanographic Knowledge Repository and Knowledge Service Platform Marine Electromagnetic Approach

  18. 建设企业知识仓库,提高档案馆服务层次

    Construct Knowledge Base of the Enterprise , Raise the Service Level of the Achives

  19. 知识仓库作为管理知识的载体,能够帮助人们方便地获取知识。

    Knowledge warehouse is a tool which can help people easy access and manage knowledge .

  20. 图书馆知识仓库的建设研究

    Research on Knowledge Database of Library

  21. 论知识仓库的架构

    On the Framework of Knowledge Warehouse

  22. 基于网络的期刊文献知识仓库

    Network-based Periodical Literature Knowledge Warehouse

  23. 运用知识仓库战略工具培育核心竞争力&对瑞泰公司知识软科学管理的实例考察

    Applying Knowledge Base to Cultivate Core Competitive Capability : Investigating Knowledge Soft Science Management in Rhino Company

  24. 多维技术在面向学科知识仓库中的使用&以构建多维电子期刊数据库模型为例

    Using Multidimensional Technology in Discipline-oriented Knowledge Warehouse & Taking Example for Constructing a Database Model of Multidimensional Electronic Journals

  25. 通过对多维数据库的分析,提出多维技术可以应用到面向学科的知识仓库中。

    Analyzing multidimensional database , the paper puts forward multidimensional technology which may be used in discipline-oriented knowledge warehouse .

  26. 功能完备的企业知识仓库设计是知识管理系统研究的主要课题之一。

    Building an enterprise knowledge warehouse ( EKW ) with perfect functions is a basic of implementing enterprise knowledge management effectively .

  27. 探讨了知识仓库与企业档案室的关系,认为企业档案室应当向企业知识仓库的方向发展。

    Author investigates the relations between the storage of knowledge and business archives , and believes that business archives can be enterprise knowledge warehouse storage .

  28. 本文通过与其相关概念的辨析,讨论了知识仓库的概念及其在组织知识管理实施中的重要意义。

    By comparing with some related concepts , the authors discuss the concept of knowledge warehouse and its important role in organizational knowledge management practice .

  29. 知识仓库是集知识管理、决策支持、人工智能和数据仓库于一体的综合知识集成系统。

    Knowledge Warehouse ( KW ) - an architectural integration of knowledge management , decision sup-port , artificial intelligence and data warehouse , is a new generation of knowledge-enabled system .

  30. 本文从知识仓库的概念和功能出发,主要对知识仓库的主体结构设计、知识仓库的主题划分、知识仓库的概念模型及逻辑模型设计进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses how to build the main construction of knowledge warehouse , how to divide the subject-matter and how to design the concept model and the logic model based on the concept and the function .