
  1. 美中商贸联合委员会(US-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade)使美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)和其他经济主管部门的重要官员得以参加讨论,围绕贸易摩擦和知识产权案例展开密集磋商。

    The US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade brings together key officials from the Department of Commerce and the other economic agencies , allowing for intense discussions on trade frictions and intellectual property rights cases .

  2. 近年来我国知识产权侵犯案例呈明显的上升趋势。

    In recent years , the cases of intellectual property rights infringement are increasing obviously in our country .

  3. 主编的《知识产权审判案例评析》等出版物成为各级法院审判知识产权案件得以参照的案例。

    His publications such as " IP Case Study " have been a reference for various courts in trying IP cases .

  4. 此外,结合WTO知识产权争端解决案例和全球公共健康危机,阐明对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行研究的必要性,并对国际贸易中的知识产权限制进行了分类。

    The necessity of the limitations on intellectual property rights is studied on the basis of the WTO dispute settlement cases and the global public health crisis .

  5. 中国制造背景下的知识产权战略:宁波案例

    Made in China and IPR Strategies : Case Study of Ningbo

  6. 通过对世界知识产权组织的国际案例进行分析概括这一独特视角,本文旨在明确现阶段国际实践中在域名争议领域达成的共识及存在的分歧。

    This Article uniquely summarizes and analyzes the UDRP cases by the World Intellectual Property Organization , and provides clarity as to the status quo of the census views and dissents in the international practice of the domain name dispute resolution .