
  • 网络takeout services;Outside Catering;Take-out Service
  1. 近日,日本KoalaSleepJapan公司推出了午睡空间外卖服务,将面包车改装成卧室,开往需要休息的人的公司。

    Koala Sleep Japan in Japan launched a nap space takeout service , converting the van into a bedroom and driving to a company that needs rest .

  2. 卡特里奥娜•布彻(CatrionaButcher)曾为一家收入主要来自婚礼和企业活动的餐饮公司工作。在那里,她意识到,写字楼午餐外卖服务将成为一种更常规的收入来源。

    Catriona Butcher used to work for a catering firm that mainly relied on weddings and corporate events when she realised that delivering office lunches would be a more regular revenue stream .

  3. 餐厅是限制外卖服务。

    Restaurants are ordered to limit service to takeout .

  4. 你有没有试过麦当劳的「24小时麦麦送」外卖服务?

    Have you tried the24-hour McDelivery service ?

  5. 中国监管机构已就外卖服务“美团”涉嫌违反反垄断规定展开调查。

    Chinese regulators have launched an investigation into food delivery service Meituan over allegations of anti-monopoly violations .

  6. 部份麦当劳快餐店更附设外卖服务,方便喜爱快餐的同学们!

    Some of the McDonalds also provide delivery service , making it convenient to students who like fast food !

  7. 星巴克开始允许它的应用程序用户提前点餐和支付,并将开始提供外卖服务。

    Starbucks has begun enabling its app users to order and pay in advance , and will also start offering delivery service .

  8. 这里有室内就餐区,也有毗邻水边的户外就餐区,还有咖啡外卖服务,每天营业至下午5点。

    There is indoor and outdoor dining , right along the water , as well as an express caf é , which is open until 5pm daily .

  9. 他们可以帮助找寻迷失在旷野的徒步旅行者,监测作物、管理野生动物,喷雾葡萄园,提供药品、钻探石油,监测输电线路甚至提供外卖服务。

    They could help find hikers lost in the wilderness , monitor crops , manage wildlife , spray vineyards , deliver medicine , explore for oil , monitor power lines , even deliver takeout .

  10. 美团虽然是过去五年中团购服务巨额补贴战的最后幸存者之一,但百度、腾讯等现金充裕的公司在糯米、大众点评网和外卖服务饿了么等竞争对手上投入了更多资金,令美团受到影响。

    Though Meituan is one of the last survivors of a huge subsidies war between group buying sites over the past five years , the site has suffered as cash-rich companies like Baidu and Tencent have thrown more money at group buying through investments in rivals like Nuomi , Dianping and the food delivery service Ele.me .

  11. Seamless成立于1999年,当时,纽约律师杰森•芬格和朋友们一起成立了一家外卖订餐服务网SeamlessWeb,主要客户是经常加班到很晚的律师和投资银行家。

    The company got its start in 1999 when New York lawyer Jason finger collaborated with a few friends to start a web-based takeout meal service for the legions of lawyers and investment bankers who routinely worked late .

  12. 他们使得手机用户能够通过扫描二维码享受到一系列例如共享单车及外卖的服务,而不需要再下载单独的应用程序。

    They allow mobile phone users to scan a QR code and access a vast number of services such as bike sharing and food ordering , without the need to download separate applications .

  13. 进入2018年以来,阿里巴巴和竞争对手腾讯大张旗鼓地掀起收购热潮。这两家股权价值均超过5000亿美元的巨头已经在电子商务、支付、外卖和其他服务方面相互角力。

    Alibaba and rival Tencent , each with an equity value of more than $ 500bn , have kicked off the year with aggressive buying sprees as they take each other on in ecommerce , payments , food delivery and other services .

  14. 外卖中餐馆,服务好,速度快。

    Great take out restaurant , good and fast service .