
wài jǐnɡ
  • exterior;outdoor scene
外景 [wài jǐng]
  • (1) [exterior view;scene shot on location]∶电影拍摄上指摄影棚外的景物

  • 该影片的外景将在亚利桑那州拍摄

  • (2) [outdoor scene]∶戏剧上指舞台上室外的布景

  1. 外景是在沼泽地拍摄的。

    The filming of the exterior scenes was done on the moors .

  2. 外景镜头是在百慕大拍摄的。

    The exterior shots were taken in Bermuda .

  3. 《恐龙》结合了电脑生成的动画和外景地实地拍摄的画面。

    ‘ Dinosaur ’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots .

  4. 这部影片完全是在意大利外景拍摄的。

    The movie was shot entirely on location in Italy .

  5. 这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。

    The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base .

  6. 他更为担忧的是外景拍摄的具体内容。

    He 's more concerned about the nuts and bolts of location work .

  7. 我们正在拍摄外景。

    We 're shooting on location .

  8. 北京电影制片厂摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。

    The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month .

  9. 当时要找一个合适的外景拍摄地相当困难。

    It was difficult to find a suitable location .

  10. 影片的画面渐隐而转成一府教堂的外景。

    The picture then dissolved into a view of the church from the outside .

  11. 平视显示器是现代作战飞机中必不可少的装备,飞行员通过平视显示器能够同时对CRT图像与外景进行观察。

    HUD is essential in modern combat aircraft . The location and display images can be observed simultaneously by the use of HUD .

  12. 风景如画的Roslyn小镇举办过诸多稀奇古怪的欢庆活动,不过它名扬天下的原因在于曾是美国昔日热门剧集《北国风云》(NorthernExposure)的外景地。

    Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .

  13. 本课题高平稳低速率转台测角系统的设计和研究以H相机外景成像转台的研制为背景,针对该高平稳低速转台设计高精度动态测角系统,以满足各种转台系统的不同需求。

    This paper written on the background of the research of exterior imaging turn-table , designs high precision dynamic angular measuring system , which aims at this low speed , low speed ripple turn-table . And this paper makes it easily to accommodate to different angular measuring system .

  14. 加拿大棕熊Barney参与了本次三天多的外景拍摄,后期制作公司JellyfishPictures和制片人JonStopp用影片修复的方法做出了棕熊脱外套的效果,并模拟了“一个冻得要死的男人穿着斑斑点点的紧身衣跳舞”的场景。

    Shot on location over three days with a Canadian Brown Bear , Barney , post production house Jellyfish Pictures and producer Jon Stopp created the stripped down bear using prosthetics and " a very cold man dancing around in a spotty bodystocking . "

  15. 所有景观都是在威尔士外景地拍摄的。

    All the outdoor scenes were shot on location in wales .

  16. 我们打算租条船去一个外景地拍摄。

    The one that we hired to get to the location .

  17. 我觉得自己就像在电影外景地或什么里一样。

    I feel like I 'm on a movie set or something .

  18. 图为马里总统府办公楼外景和内景。

    The pictures shows the new office building view inside and outside .

  19. 他们把这部电影的外景拍摄地改为夏威夷。

    They switch the location of the movie to hawaii .

  20. 影片的大部分镜头是在外景拍摄地拍的。

    Most scenes of the film were shot on location .

  21. 她刚从外景拍摄地拍完电影回来。

    She had lust come back from doing a picture on location .

  22. 今天天气不好,外景拍不成了。

    We can 't shoot the outdoor scenes in this foul weather .

  23. 在国外拍摄外景开支太大。

    It was too expensive to film in foreign locations .

  24. 深圳多家广告公司,模特公司,摄影室外景口译;

    Interpreter of several AD companies , model agencies and photographing studios ;

  25. 这电影的外景将在亚利桑纳州拍摄。

    Exteriors for the movie will be filmed in Arizona .

  26. 为《国家地理》出外景的专用装备卡车。

    The equipment truck for the National Geographic special works on location .

  27. 图为公司第一生产车间和第二生产车间外景。

    This is the exterior of the first and the second workshop .

  28. 广告、大厦外景、体育馆等户外照明。

    Advertise , mansion outdoor scene , outdoor lighting in etc. in gymnasium .

  29. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。

    The film actors are on location in Japan .

  30. 那部电影正在拍摄外景。

    The film is being shot on location .