
  • 网络foreign currency transaction
  1. 负责所有外币业务的付款审批工作,确保符合外管条例。

    Review all foreign currency transaction to ensure compliance .

  2. 加入WTO后我国外币业务会计若干问题的探讨

    Discussion About a Few Problems of Foreign Currency Business Accounting After Entering WTO

  3. 根据WTO的有关协议,我国入世以后,将逐渐取消对外资银行外币业务、人民币业务、营业许可证等方面的限制。

    According to some related agreements of WTO , limitation on foreign currency business , national currency business , business permission card and so on for foreign capital banks will be cancelled gradually in our country after China join in WTO .

  4. 企业外币业务风险及防范

    Enterprises Business Risk of Foreign Currency and Precautions

  5. 民航运输企业外币业务管理浅析

    A Brief Analysis Concerning Business Management of Foreign Currency in Transport Enterprise of Civil Aviation

  6. 浅议外币业务的会计处理

    Accounting Treatment of Foreign Exchange Business

  7. 最近我们和其他几家外资银行一起获准在部分城市向中国内地的居民和企业提供外币业务。

    Recently we along with a few other foreign banks were given permission to offer foreign currency services to mainland Chinese citizens and corporations in select cities .

  8. 在接近去年末之前,相关规定还要求外资银行在获得人民币业务牌照之前必须先经营外币业务三年,这使中国国内银行占尽了先机。

    Until late last year , rules also required foreign lenders to operate foreign currency businesses for three years before obtaining a licence in the Chinese currency , giving domestic rivals a strong head start .

  9. 外币交易业务汇兑损益会计处理方法的探讨知识交易

    A talk about accountant dealing with means of foreign currency trade operation exchange Knowledge Transaction

  10. 文章分别就设计中的银行间外币买卖业务的交易模式、清算机制、网络技术支持等问题,以及政策出台的背景和意义进行了较为详细的阐述。

    Concerning the interbank foreign currency trading service still under construction , this paper elaborates on the trading pattern , clearing mechanism and technical network support , as well as on the .

  11. “汇得盈”是神州配置设备摆设银行系列外汇管理财务产品的品牌名称,是一种新型外币管理财务业务。

    " Profit from Exchange " is a brand name of CCB 's series of foreign exchange finance products , and it is a new foreign currency finance business .