
  1. 其中,篇章外部材料的符号学特点主要体现为篇章在语言代码、载体属性及其他相关符号介质等方面的特征。

    In addition , the semiotic features of the external material of a text are mainly manifested by characteristics in linguistic coding , media of expression and other semiotic form of the text .

  2. 国内学者刘世德教授主要从外部材料出发,结合内证,根据《九云记》和《九云楼》的关系,推测《九云记》就是《九云楼》。

    Chinese Professor Liu Shide , on the basis of external and internal evidence , makes a deduction that " Nine Clouds " is " The Nine-Cloud Tower " which is a Chinese novel adapted from " A Nine Cloud Dream " .

  3. 剩余自旋来自自旋极化质量和外部屏蔽材料,其等效自旋电子数约为1.512×1023。这种扭秤设计的优点是自旋电子数多,宏观检测效应大,但困难在于对自旋极化质量进行彻底的磁屏蔽。

    The equivalent number of spin-polarized electrons is about 1.5 × 1023 . The advantage of this kind of torsion balance is getting more spin-polarized electrons , but it is difficult to be shielded well .

  4. HITC的One手机外部采用高档材料,而非廉价的塑料。

    HTC has wrapped the One in premium materials . No chintzy plastics here .

  5. 竹子用作外部和内部材料,以显示上下文-中国。

    Bamboo is used as exterior and interior material to indicate the context-China .

  6. 传统的外部液体质控材料被认为是外部替代样本质控。

    Traditional external liquid control materials are considered surrogate external surrogate sample controls .

  7. 外部粘贴高强材料加固建筑物,在今天已经广泛的应用于工程当中。

    Today it is widely applied to engineering reinforce building outside with high-strength material .

  8. 深入剖析了外部情境、材料特征等客观因素及目的、注意、情绪、知识、信心等主观因素对记忆的影响;

    Then affects of objective factors included external environment and material characteristics , subjective factors such as purpose , attention , emotion , knowledge , confidence and so on , were examined deeply ;

  9. 通过对材料质感、肌理、文化性的阐述,来认识材料观念性从材料外部形态转向材料内部蕴含的同时,艺术语言在材料上的实现。

    By expounding quality , texture and culture in material , people are found art has changed their perception to material from external shape to connotation , which stands for the realization of artistic language in material .

  10. PVDF类型I均聚物是一种著名的没有金属离子和外部有机化合物的材料。

    PVDF Type I homopolymer is notably free of metallic ions and foreign organic compounds .

  11. 外部热辐射对材料燃烧性能影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Effects of Burning Behaviours of Materials Caused by External Heat Radiation

  12. 外部经济变量诸如外部的产品需求、外部的原材料供给、外部的流动性等,无论是其数量还是价格的变化,都会通过各种途径传导至我国。

    External economic variables such as external demand for products , the external supply of raw materials , external liquidity , either the number or price changes will be conducted to China through various channels .