
  • Foreign news agencies;a foreign agency
  1. 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。新闻线索

    That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident .

  2. 外国通讯社在中国境内发布新闻信息管理办法

    Measures for Administering The Release of News and Information In China by Foreign News Agencies

  3. 该条例同时禁止外国通讯社向中国本土用户直接出售新闻信息,其中包括银行及其它金融服务机构。

    The regulations also ban the agencies from selling directly to local customers , including banks and other financial services companies .

  4. 该规则还强调,外国通讯社只能通过新华社批准的代理机构接触客户,并规定,新华社有权对外国新闻机构在华发布的内容作筛选。

    The regulations also force foreign agencies to deal with clients only through xinhua-approved agents and give Xinhua the right to choose what content they distribute in China .

  5. 本办法所称外国通讯社包括具有通讯社性质的外国新闻信息发布机构。

    For the purposes of these Measures , foreign news agencies include other foreign entities of the nature of a news agency that release news and information products .

  6. 长期以来,新华社一直是外国通讯社向中国媒体发布新闻和经济信息的独家中介机构,同时还负责监管在华的外国新闻业务。

    Xinhua , which also regulates foreign news service operations , has long been the sole intermediary for agency distribution of news and economic information to Chinese media .

  7. 新华社对外国通讯社在华业务实施更为严格的限制,很可能为此付出相应的外交代价,欧洲方面的抗议就是初步征兆。

    The European protest was the first sign of the potential diplomatic cost of the moves by Xinhua to limit more closely the Chinese operations of international news agencies .

  8. 他建议,外国通讯社只要按照新规定要求,委托一家新华社指定机构,处理与中国客户的所有业务,就可以避免税务及其它问题。

    He suggested tax and other problems could be prevented by foreign news agencies letting a Xinhua-appointed agent handle all dealings with Chinese clients , as required under the new rules .

  9. 上述规定禁止向中国非媒体客户销售财经新闻及信息的外国通讯社与其客户直接接触,要求它们必须通过新华社下属机构接触客户。

    The rules bar foreign agencies that sell financial news and information to non-media customers in China from direct contact with their clients , requiring them to work through an arm of Xinhua instead .

  10. 1996年,它曾尝试管控那些向中国金融机构和大型企业出售信息的外国通讯社,并征收大笔费用,但在美国和欧盟贸易谈判代表的强烈反对下,新华社基本上放弃了这一努力。

    In 1996 , it tried to impose controls and hefty fees on foreign news agency sales to Chinese financial institutions and major companies but largely abandoned the effort after strong protests from US and EU trade negotiators .

  11. 我要感谢好莱坞外国通讯社长期以来对我如此慷慨,她说,感谢《国土安全》的每一个人,他们在知道她怀孕之后仍然非常支持她。

    I have to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press for being so insanely generous to me for so long , she said , thanking everyone at Homeland , whom she said was supportive even after she told them she was expecting .

  12. 然而,中国外交部发言人秦刚昨日表示,新规则是为了“促进新闻信息健康有序的传播”,同时“保护外国通讯社和国内用户的合法权益”。

    However , Qin Gang , a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman , said yesterday that the new rules were intended to promote the " healthy and orderly " dissemination of news , while " protecting the lawful rights and interests of foreign news agencies and their domestic clients " .

  13. 在中国,这种审查制度是常见的。外国报纸和新闻广播在中国受到限制,当地媒体发布外国通讯社报道时受控于新华社。

    Such censorship is routine in China where access to foreign newspapers and news broadcasts is restricted and Xinhua controls distribution to local media of foreign agency reports .