
  • 网络Visual Inspection;Appearance Inspection;Visual Test
  1. 灰度直方图和支持向量机在磁环外观检测中的应用

    Ferrite core appearance inspection using gray histogram and support vector machine

  2. 石泉水电站水工闸门及启闭机外观检测与评价

    Appearance Inspection and Evaluation of Hydraulic Gate and Hoist in Shiquan Hydro Power Station

  3. 基于CCD的钢球外观检测技术的研究

    Research on Steel Ball Appearance Detection Technology Based on CCD

  4. QFP(PlasticQuadFlatPackage)芯片作为IC芯片的一种重要芯片,对其进行三维外观检测具有重大意义。

    Specially , it ' svery significant to detect the three-dimensional appearance of QFP ( Plastic Quad Flat Package ) chips , because they are one of important IC chips .

  5. 基于图像技术的轴承滚柱外观检测系统的研究

    The Research of the Appearance Detection System of Roller Bearings based on Image Technology

  6. 基于机器视觉的片式元件外观检测系统研究

    Research on Detecting System of Surface Mounting Components ( SMC ) Appearance Based on Machine Vision

  7. 对桥梁进行了外观检测,将拱轴线型、桥面线型与设计进行了比较,发现拱轴略向南偏移;

    From the tests of the bridge appearance and comparison with the original design , the offset of the arch is found from south to north .

  8. 图像测量技术主要包括摄影测量、光测和利用图像传感器测量等很多测量方法。作为一种重要的非接触测量方法,它已经广泛地应用到外观检测、工业检测、生物医学等领域。

    Image Measuring Technique includes vediometrics 、 optical measuring and sensor measuring , which used in many fields such as appearance measuring 、 industry measuring and biomedicine etc.

  9. 基于机器视觉和SVM的花椒外观品质检测

    Prickly Ash Appearance Quality Detection Based on Computer Vision and SVM

  10. 为了验证检测方法的可行性,采用了MATLAB软件开发平台来构造基于计算机视觉的大米外观品质检测算法。

    To verify the feasibility of the approach , the research developed an algorithm using MATLAB software .

  11. 设计了CCD纸张外观质量检测系统,介绍该系统的光学部分的设计及工作原理,并简单地列举CCD器件的选取、系统的构成、软件的设计、实验测试的技术性能指标等。

    CCD paper appearance quality detection system was designed . The principle of optical part of the system was introduced . The selection of CCD details ;

  12. 利用机器视觉技术进行谷物外观品质检测研究,对提高我国粮食的市场竞争力具有重要意义,特别是在我国加入WTO后,研究工作显得更加重要。

    Using machine vision technique to detect the corn appearance quality is significant to improve competition of Chinese food-market . After Chinese entrance to the WTO , it becomes more and more important .

  13. 压铸FMC由数控压铸机、自动定量浇注机、自动取件机械手、铸型自动喷涂料装置和铸件外观成形检测装置等组成。

    The die casting FMC consists of the NC die casting machine , automatic dosing pouring device , automatic casting-fetching manipulator , automatic die spraying device and casting configuration checking device , etc.

  14. 该方法已成功应用在某企业半导体芯片外观视觉检测中,实际运行表明此方法是可靠和成功的。

    Applications show that the proposed method is stable and successful .

  15. 机器视觉技术在产品外观质量检测上的应用

    The Application of machine vision technology in product appearance quality testing

  16. 基于机器视觉的纺织品外观疵点检测与质量评价的研究

    Research on Machine-Vision-based Textile Defect Detection and Quality Evaluation

  17. 基于多光谱图像的水果外观品质检测方法研究

    External Quality Inspection of Fruits Based on Multispectral Imaging

  18. 基于机器视觉的大米外观品质检测装置

    A Machine Vision Based Instrument for Rice Appearance Quality

  19. GB/T7287.1-1987红外辐射加热器尺寸、形状及外观的检测方法

    " Detecting method for size , shape and exterior of infrared heater "

  20. 我国纱线外观质量检测技术的进步

    Advancement of National Yarn Appearance Quality Test Technique

  21. 基于图像处理技术的男衬衫缝制外观质量检测

    Research of Detection to the Appearance of Man 's Shirt Based on Image Processing Techniques

  22. 基于机器视觉的脱绒棉种外观质量检测装置的研究

    Research on the Detected Device of Delinted Cottonseeds ' Appearance Quality Based on the Machine Vision

  23. 因此,其外观质量检测是小型精冲连接件生产过程中必不可少的环节。

    Therefore , detecting on surface defects of connectors is a essential link in the process of production .

  24. 本文阐述了衬衫外观质量检测的原理、方法及其检测范围。

    This paper described the method , the work principle and the range of inspecting the appearance quality of shirts .

  25. 外观品质检测单元与标准方法对比试验表明,垩白度的测试精度≤1%,垩白粒率的测试精度≤2%,达到了稻谷垩白度和垩白粒率测定准确度的要求。

    The result shows that measurement accuracy can reach the requirement accuracy of grain chalk degree and chalky rice number .

  26. 对实际桥梁进行外观结构检测,静力荷载检测和动力荷载检测。

    The real bridge is tested about the ' appearance structure , static load inspection as well as dynamic load inspection .

  27. 一些公司实际上销售带内置击键记录者的键盘,这意味者实际上公司一些无法从外观上检测他们。

    Some companies actually sell keyboards with built-in keystroke loggers , which means there 's no way to visually detect them .

  28. 为解决谷物外观品质检测过程中获取图像的籽粒粘连问题,提出了一种基于先验知识的流域分割算法。

    A new watershed algorithm based on priori knowledge is presented in this paper , which was adapted to paddy image segmentation .

  29. 与基于外观的检测算法得出的结果相比较,体现该算法的优越性。

    The comparison of the structure-based algorithm to the appearance-based algorithm is carried out to reflect the superiority of the former algorithm .

  30. 经过对镁合金零件达克罗涂层的耐盐雾性能、耐湿热性能及其涂层附着力和外观的检测。证实研制的镁合金无铬达克罗工艺,具有良好的防护性能。

    The excellent anticorrosion performance of the non-chromate dacromet coating is proved by the test of anti-salt-spray , anti-wet-heat , adhesion and appearance performance .