
wài shěng
  • other provinces;provinces other than where one lives
外省 [wài shěng]
  • [provinces other than where one lives] 本省以外的省份

外省[wài shěng]
  1. 论山东新生代的小说创作&兼与外省新生代比较

    On the Novel Creation of Shandong New Generation Writers & Also a Comparison with Those of Other Provinces

  2. 北京汽车租赁的业务范围:北京市市内用车,外省市长途包车;

    Car rental business scope of Beijing : Beijing city vehicles , other provinces and cities long-distance chartered ;

  3. 大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。

    The majority of my patients come to me from out of town

  4. 一些基本的服务是由从外省乘坐大巴来的塞尔维亚工人提供的。

    Essential services were provided by Serbian workers bussed in from outside the province .

  5. 政府计划将3万个左右的政府职位从巴黎转移到外省。

    The government plans to transfer some 30,000 government jobs from Paris to the provinces .

  6. 外省来莞打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占63.40%;

    The poisoning accident main occurred to workers from outside of Dongguan City , accounted for 63.40 % .

  7. 外省来粤打工人员是急性CO中毒的高发人群,占55.6%;室内冲凉燃汽热水器意外是本地区急性CO中毒的主要原因,占82.1%;

    The indoor water-heater accident is the mainly reason of acute CO poisoning in native area ( 82.1 % );

  8. 泰安市来自外省并与本地人结婚的农村妇女已造成HIV的传播,是泰安市艾滋病防治的重点人群。

    HIV was spreading among immigrated women in some rural areas of Taian city , they were important population for HIV / AIDS prevention and control .

  9. 结果是,只有聚焦伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)对英国退欧问题立场的“首都内”报道,而没有深入外省探究选民们在想什么的报道。

    The result is " inside the Beltway " reporting that fixates on Boris Johnson 's position on Brexit instead of venturing into the hinterland to see what voters think .

  10. 据一名外省官员介绍,预计日本外务大臣政务官中根一幸(KazuyukiNakane)将达成从日本飞往柬埔寨和老挝的直航协议,以鼓励双边投资和贸易。

    Kazuyuki Nakane , a Japanese parliamentary foreign vice-minister , is expected to strike deals for direct flights from Japan to Cambodia and Laos , with the aim of encouraging bilateral investment and trade , according to an official at the foreign ministry in Tokyo .

  11. 古老的外省社会也不能避免这种微妙的运动。

    Old provincial society had its snare of this subtle movement .

  12. 记者应该分散到外省各处,听一听普通人的声音。

    Journalists should spread into the provinces and listen to ordinary people .

  13. 这部电影现正在外省上映。

    The film is now being shown in the provinces .

  14. 外省的新闻得到了报道。然后互联网摧毁了地方报纸。

    The provinces got covered . Then the internet destroyed local papers .

  15. 在外省会诊遇见两例显微血管减压术治疗面肌痉挛井发迟发性肺血管意外。

    Two cases of hemifacial spasm received microvascular decompression .

  16. 外省的零售批发商店比首都的少。

    There are fewer retail outlets in the provinces than in the capital .

  17. 外省的人都说我们说的是广东英语。

    People say that we have the provinces of Guangdong , said English .

  18. 绝大部分他都买到了外省。

    He sent most of it out of state .

  19. 最近我到外省各地去旅行了一趟。

    I recently led a tour of the provinces .

  20. 那个流行乐队现在在外省巡回演出。

    The pop group is now touring the provinces .

  21. 屋里的人都还在睡觉,周围是一片外省的宁静气氛。

    Every one in the house was still asleep . A country-like silence reigned .

  22. 外省佳公子的刺马距比较长,髭须也比较粗野。

    The provincial dandy wore the longest of spurs and the fiercest of mustaches .

  23. 由于外省的业务往来,我们在河北,山东。

    As the business in the provinces , we have In Hebei and Shandong .

  24. 我们曾在外省合演过戏。

    We played together in the provinces .

  25. 大多数在首都工作的年轻职业人士都是来自外省的城镇。

    The majority of young professionals in the capital have moved there from provincial towns .

  26. 它们的声明&《猫的状况》仍然可以在外省书店里看到。

    Their manifesto La Condition F é line can still be found in provincial bookstores .

  27. 未来大批农村劳动力仍将向本省的城镇地区和收入较高的外省市流动。

    A lot of rural labor will migrate to urban or other higher income regiones .

  28. 有人把一个不相干的外省人介绍给他,他竟一往情深地拥抱他。

    He tenderly embraced some man or other from the provinces , who was presented to him .

  29. 一个著名的外省人在巴黎

    A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  30. 几个外省优良笋用竹种的引种栽培研究

    Research on introduction and cultivation of a few of fine small-sized bamboo species for shoot from Zhejiang Province