
wài shěnɡ rén
  • People from other provinces;persons from another province
  1. 大多数来找我看病的患者都是外省人。

    The majority of my patients come to me from out of town

  2. 有人把一个不相干的外省人介绍给他,他竟一往情深地拥抱他。

    He tenderly embraced some man or other from the provinces , who was presented to him .

  3. 一个著名的外省人在巴黎

    A Distinguished Provincial at Paris

  4. 二奶奶道:“不是外省人,是外县人。”

    Second daughter-in-law said ," she 's not from another province . she 's from another county . "

  5. 二二八事件中的本省人与外省人岭南文化对广东外省人群体影响之探讨

    Discussion on the influence of the culture in south of the five ridges on colonies of other provinces living in Guangdong

  6. 这部分结合现实,解读外省人意识对于当下台湾社会的影响。

    In this part , by making the combination of reality , the author interpreted the impact of the complex and conciseness of the mainlanders for Taiwan society .

  7. 不久,他又将笔触探入外省人与本省人的沧桑传奇与关系,批判现代主义与资本主义异化现象。

    Shortly after that , he began to write the romance and the relations between the mainland people and Taiwan people , criticize modernism and the capitalist dissimilation phenomena .

  8. 着重指出,作为当年本省人与外省人关系的主导面,一般老百姓是和平相处,互相帮助的;

    And it emphasizes the leading aspect of the relation between the Native Taiwanese and the Mainlanders is that common people get along well with each other and help each other ;

  9. 研究表明:珠三角六大主要外省人文化与岭南文化具有共同的文化基石和文字表达方式,在文化传统和文化特征上也有一定程度的共同性;

    Two main common characteristics are discovered in the analysis , one is the common cultural basis and common characters , the other is the common cultural tradition and characteristics in some extent .

  10. 为了应对这一危机,广州官方已经命令火车票临时停售,劝说外省人留在广东过年。

    To cope with the crisis , authorities in Guangzhou have ordered a temporary halt to the sale of train tickets and urged migrants from other provinces to spend the Spring Festival in Guangdong Province .

  11. 本文对于外省人意识的探讨一直是贯穿其中的一条隐秘的线索,以此为切入点,去分析这些边缘人的生存状态与精神内核是一种有益的尝试。

    It is a hidden clue to explore the outsiders ` consciousness , which he took as an entry point to analyze the survival status and kernel spirit of these marginal people and it is a useful attempt .

  12. 本文就当时本省人与外省人的关系做全面的考察,试图说明其复杂性,并澄清一些被某些人出于政治目的加以掩盖或歪曲的事实。

    This paper makes a whole review on the relation of the Native Taiwanese and the Mainlanders for that moment , trying to show the complexity and clarify the facts that has been covered up or distorted by certain persons for their political purposes .

  13. 该调查一出,则引起了网友的争议。一些北京和上海的居民却对该结果表示受宠若惊,有网友就说了外省人在这结婚仅仅是因为隐形的城市诱因。“比如城市户口和中国最富裕城市的居住环境。”

    While some Beijing and Shanghai locals were flattered by the results , other Net users said that the people from outside provinces only prefer the city-slickers " because of their urban hukou ( household registration ) and the fact that they live in China 's richest places . "

  14. 外省的人都说我们说的是广东英语。

    People say that we have the provinces of Guangdong , said English .

  15. 泰安市来自外省并与本地人结婚的农村妇女已造成HIV的传播,是泰安市艾滋病防治的重点人群。

    HIV was spreading among immigrated women in some rural areas of Taian city , they were important population for HIV / AIDS prevention and control .