
wài rén
  • outsider;stranger;foreigner;circles;stranger, stranger in blood
外人 [wài rén]
  • (1) [stranger, stranger in blood]∶指没有亲友关系的人

  • 冒着把继承权给予外人的危险

  • (2) [foreigner]∶指外国人

  • (3) [circles;outsider]∶指某个范围或组织以外的人

  • 悉如外人。--晋. 陶渊明《桃花源记》

  • 与外人间隔。

  • 不足为外人道。

外人[wài rén]
  1. 别客气,我又不是外人。

    Don 't stand on ceremony . I 'm no stranger .

  2. 先生,你不要把我当外人啊。

    My dear sir , do not make a stranger of me .

  3. 她在这里总觉得是个外人。

    Here she felt she would always be an outsider .

  4. 他们所用的大量行话是外人听不懂的。

    A lot of the jargon they use is unintelligible to outsiders .

  5. 他们在周围竖起了高高的围墙,以防外人进入。

    They 've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out .

  6. 他们的行话外人听不懂。

    Their jargon is impenetrable to an outsider .

  7. 屋子里的人似乎把她当成不受欢迎的外人。

    The people in the room seemed to regard her as an unwelcome intruder .

  8. 他们讲着外人听不懂的笑话。

    They were sharing a private joke .

  9. 外人也许会误解这种关系的本质。

    An outsider might misconstrue the nature of the relationship

  10. 马隆是个警察,他跟他们一样都觉得自己像个外人。

    Malone , a cop , felt as much an outsider as any of them .

  11. 她不愿与任何外人分享父亲的爱,并把我们视为闯入者。

    She had no wish to share her father with any outsider and regarded us as interlopers .

  12. 士兵们接到命令,不准外人进入大门。

    The soldiers had orders to allow no strangers through the gates .

  13. 你们还是把我当外人。

    You 're still treating me like an outsider .

  14. 别把我当做外人。

    Don 't treat me as an outsider .

  15. 这件事别跟外人说。

    Never mention it to outsiders .

  16. 肥水不外流(also肥水不流外人田)。

    Rich water should not be let out of one 's own fields . & benefits should always be kept for one 's own people .

  17. 反正你不是外人,我也就不客气了。

    Since you 're my friend , I won 't stand on ceremony .

  18. 把外人引进来可能招致灾难。

    It would be fatal to bring in outsider .

  19. 你说吧,这里没外人。

    Speak up . you 're among friends .

  20. 学生宿舍不准留宿外人。

    It 's forbidden to put up outsiders for the night in the dormitory .

  21. 这叫作众议院的流言蜚语,它同戏剧界的流言蜚语一样,对圈外人是高深莫测的,而对他们说来,也象戏剧界的流言蜚语对演员们一样,使人神往不止,乐此不倦。

    This was house of Commons gossip , as esoteric as theatre gossip , as continuously enthralling to them as theatregossip was to actors .

  22. 普绪喀听从这些有声无形的外人的意见

    Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants .

  23. 这里没有外人。

    There is no outsider here .

  24. 在CambrianHouse,外人的创意由公司程序员群体进行投票。

    With Cambrian House , outsiders ' ideas are voted for by the company 's community of programmers .

  25. Alex关于与外人产生感情,你知道我的态度。

    Nikita : Alex , you know how I feel about relationships with outsiders .

  26. 中国还在国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行(worldbank)等国际机构中扮演更大角色方面表现迟疑,而这可能被外人视为一个黄金机遇。

    China has also been diffident about what could be seen as a golden opportunity to play a larger role in international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .

  27. 这些特性使得人耳识别成为一种有前景的新技术。当前国内外人耳识别工作主要集中在2D人耳正视图及3D人耳距离图像(Rangeimage)识别。

    All these merits make ear biometrics be a new promising technology . Currently , ear recognition works in oversea and domestic concentrated on the ways of 2D front view image and 3D range image .

  28. 这不是(或者不仅仅是)因为我有着“非此处发明(notinventedhere)”的态度(即不愿意用外人发明的东西,译者注),而是因为想拿参数处理作为一个实例。

    This isn 't ( just ) because I have a " not invented here " attitude , but rather to use argument processing as an example .

  29. 基于生物电特别是肌电信号(EMG)的人机接口研究是目前国内外人-计算机接口技术研究领域的热点之一。

    The human-computer interfaces based on biologic electronic phenomena , especially electromyography ( EMG ) are becoming one of the hotspot in the research field of human-computer interface .

  30. 特伦卡的若干说法不算新鲜,有些可以在“滚石”的贝斯手,比尔·怀曼(BillWyman)1990年的回忆录《孤独的石头》(StoneAlone)中读到,这本传记常常受到忽视;还有若干乐队圈外人的书中可以找到的内容。

    Some of Mr. Trynka 's account is not new , having appeared in " Stone Alone , " the often overlooked 1990 memoir of the Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman , or other books written by band outsiders .