
wài kōnɡ
  • 外层空间,外太空 outer space
  1. 利用算子运算的方法,对求定外空扰动引力的Bjerhammar方法、虚拟点质量方法以及虚拟单层密度方法进行了系统地归纳;

    This paper sums up disturbance gravitational computation methods ( Bjerhammar , suppositional point mass , suppositional single layer density ) by using operator operational method .

  2. 因为大量的陨星从外空落到地球上。

    Because a large meteorite fell on Earth from outer space .

  3. 当前,外空领域正日益面临武器化的危险。

    Outer space is now facing the looming danger of weaponization .

  4. 探测与和平利用外空问题国际会议

    International Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

  5. 导弹防御和防止外空军备竞赛问题

    Missile Defense and Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space

  6. 外空军事化已经成为不争的事实。

    The militarization of outer space has become an indisputable fact .

  7. 和平利用外空特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space

  8. 外空军事行动对外空法带来的挑战

    Challenges to Outer Space Law from Military Space Operations

  9. 防区外空地反辐射导弹攻击区及作战效能仿真

    Simulation of Standoff Land Air-to-Ground Anti-Radiation Missile Attack 's Zone and Its Combat Effectiveness

  10. 而且他一点外空旅行的经验都没有。

    And exactly no years in offworld travel .

  11. 外空物体的法律定义问题

    The legal Definition about the Space Objects

  12. 外空扰动重力计算中的截断误差

    Truncation Error of Spatial Disturbing Gravity Computation

  13. 葡萄牙外空研究委员会国家外层空间委员会

    Portuguese Commission for Outer Space Studies

  14. 不过,外空存在智慧生命的想法不再局限于虚构作品当中了。

    But the idea of intelligent life in outer space is no longer limited to fiction .

  15. 外空问题机构间工作组

    Inter-Agency Working Group on Outer Space

  16. 真空紫外空阴极气体放电光源

    VUV Hollow Cathode Gaseous Discharge Source

  17. 晚上他们时常饥肠辘辘地去睡觉,肚子里除了水以外空无一物。

    They would often go to bed at night hungry with nothing in their stomachs except water .

  18. 双方明确反对外空武器化和外空军备竞赛。

    The two sides express their categorical opposition to the weaponisation and arms race in outer space .

  19. 你一定是从外空来的,我在你眼里看到了星星。

    You must be from out of space because I can see the stars in your eyes .

  20. 转让和使用从外空遥感地球的资料的公约

    Convention on the Transfer and Use of Data of the Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space

  21. 在海洋法和外空法的实践中,人类共同继承财产仍面临许多挑战。

    There are many challenges in the practice of the outer space law and the maritime international law .

  22. 中国支持国际社会采取有效措施,防止外空武器化的危险。

    China supports the international community in introducing effective measures to prevent the danger of outer space armament .

  23. 当被问到是否应当进行外空研究时,不同的人有不同的看法。

    There is no complete agreement among people as to whether we should conduct space research or not .

  24. 所有发展航天事业的国家都应致力于和平利用外空。

    It is the responsibility of all space-faring nations to commit to the peaceful uses of outer space .

  25. 禁止在外空、从外空或向外空使用武力或进行敌对行动;

    A ban on the use of force or conduct of hostilities in , from or to outer space ;

  26. 从技术层面上宏观地剖析了外空军事化有可能导致战争的两个原因,阐明了和平的可能性存在的三个理由;

    Anatomizes two reasons that Militarization of space will result in wars and three excuses that peace could exist .

  27. 他表示:中国从来没有、今后也不会参加任何形式的外空军备竞赛。

    China has never participated and will never participate in any arms race in outer space , he said .

  28. 近些年来,人类外空活动迅速发展,空间开发及应用能力大大加强。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of human activities in space , the space application develops greatly .

  29. 为此,中国主张全面禁止和彻底销毁外空武器。

    To this end , China stands for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of weapons deployed in outer space .

  30. 空间碎片是伴随着人类开发、利用外空活动而产生的,其数量亦随着空间活动的日益增加呈现迅猛发展的趋势。

    The space debris is accompanied by human activities in outer space , and the number is increasing year by year .