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zhōng máo
  • acrostichal hairs
中毛[zhōng máo]
  1. 用放射免疫法研究毛花洋地黄叶中毛花甙C的含量动态

    Studies on variation of lanata C contents in leaves of Digitalis lanata with radioimmunoassay

  2. 应用透射电镜观察6例毛细胞白血病(HCL)患者外周血、骨髓血和脾细胞悬液中毛细胞的超微结构特征。

    The ultrastructure characteristics of hairy cell in peripheral blood 、 bone marrow blood and suspension of spleen cell from six patients with hairy cell leukemia ( HCL ) were observed under electron microscope .

  3. 眼用药膜中毛果芸香碱及其降解产物的高效液相色谱测定

    HPLC determination of pilocarpine and its degradation products in ophthalmic films

  4. 沸石转晶的研究(Ⅱ)&T型沸石中毛沸石与菱钾沸石间转换关系的研究

    The Mutual Transformation Between Erionite and Offretite in T-type Zeolite

  5. 酶法脱毛过程中毛根下部结构的超微变化

    The Microstructure Changes of Hair-roots in the Enzyme Unhairing Process

  6. 酶脱毛过程中毛组织结构观察

    Observation of Histological Structure of Hair Root during Process of Enzymatic Unhairing

  7. 毛细胞白血病中毛细胞的超微结构特征

    Ultrastructure characteristics of hairy cell in hairy cell leukemia

  8. 绵羊粪便中毛圆线虫卵培养和感染性幼虫分离法的比较

    A comparison of egg cultivation and infective larval isolation of TRICHOSTRONGYLIDAE from sheep faeces

  9. 扫描电镜对果实种子类中药中毛状附属物的观察

    SEM Identification of Hairs on Surface of Fruits and Seeds of Chinese medicinal Plants

  10. 氧化脱毛过程中毛回收技术的研究(I)&毛免疫试验

    Oxidizing unhairing process with hair recovery ( I )── experiments on the prior hair immunization

  11. 该仪器可精确测出毛或棉与人造纤维混纺样品中毛或棉含量的百分率。

    Accurately determines the respective percentages of wool component or cotton component of blends of either wool or cotton with man-made fibres .

  12. 只要混凝土中毛细孔不是处于完全饱水状态,宏电池腐蚀反应即为混凝土电阻所控制。

    The macro cell corrosion reaction is controlled by the concrete resistance when the absolute water saturated situation is not reached in the capillary system of concrete .

  13. 山杨桦木混交林优势树种是山杨和白桦,灌木层中毛榛的优势地位与其他物种相比很明显,草本层优势种有糙苏和类叶升麻。

    The dominance of wool hazel compared with other species is very obvious in shrub layer , and the dominance species in herb layer are brown and cohosh .

  14. 就不同措施对沙质土壤颗粒组成的改善效果及其对土壤剖面中毛白杨根系数量和分布状况的影响进行了分析。

    This text hold analyze on different measure on the improve effect of the sandy soil compose of particle size and effects of Populus tomentosa 's root system quantity and the condition of distribution .

  15. 目的:建立黄芪药材中毛蕊异黄酮葡萄糖苷和芒柄花素的含量测定方法,并对不同来源的药材进行分析,为黄芪质量标准的制定提供依据。

    Objective : To establish the quantitative methods for calycosin glycoside and formononetin in Radix Astragali , and the samples from different sources were analyzed , in order to supply the basis for the quality control of Radix Astragali .

  16. 沙棘林通过改善土壤理化性质,具有提高土壤入渗和抗冲性能作用,其中土壤中毛根数量是决定土壤抗冲能力的主要指标。

    Seabuckthorn forest could improve soil infiltration and anti-strike ability through improving soil physical and chemical properties , and the numbers of its hair roots and the depth of its litter layer were the main indices of soil anti-strike ability .

  17. ICP-AES法测定中草药毛两面针中微量金属元素的含量

    Determination of Trace Metal Elements in Zanthoxylum Nitidum by ICP-AES

  18. 结论-克隆了阴道毛滴虫氢化酶体腺苷酸激酶基因,序列测定及同源性分析表明,所测基因与Genbank中阴道毛滴虫氢化酶体AK序列具有高度同源性。

    Conclusion The gene of AK has high homology with the AK gene sequence in Genbank .

  19. 小鼠中甘草毛状根、甘草切片总抗氧化能力和对CCl4致肝损伤保护的比较研究

    Total Antioxidant Capacity and Protective Effect of Extract from Hairy Roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch on CCl_4-induced Acute Liver Injury in Mice

  20. 在哺乳动物进化历程中,毛角蛋白和IRS角蛋白的变异不产生致死效应而容易保留下来。

    In the process of mammalian evolution , the mutation of hair keratin does not produce lethal effects and can be maintained easily .

  21. 测序表明,所克隆的AK基因大小为690bp,编码229个氨基酸。序列分析表明,所测基因与Genbank中阴道毛滴虫氢化酶体AK序列具有高度同源性(999%)。

    Result The sequence analysis showed that the sequenced protein showed 99.9 % of homology with the AK amino acid sequence in Genbank .

  22. 在干红毛樱桃酒的酿造工艺中,毛樱桃果实破碎榨汁时添加5%的白酒大曲,室温下处理6h,可使出汁率提高13.6%。

    During the technique of producing the dry red Nanking cherry wine , the yield of pressed Nanking cherry fruit juice would be improved by 13.6 % after added 5 % distiller 's yeast and be treated 6 hours at room temperature .

  23. 在梳理及染色过程中,毛纤维受到某些损伤。

    Wool fibres are known to suffer some damage during carding and dyeing .

  24. 电化学光整加工中表面毛化的应用

    Application of Surface - roughing in Electrochemical Finishing

  25. 泌尿生殖道中阴道毛滴虫的检测

    Detection of Trichomonas vaginalis in genitourinary tract specimens

  26. 文章主要介绍了半精纺纺纱系统以及半精纺纺纱系统中产生毛粒的原因;

    In this article , the main characteristics of semi-worsted system and its products were introduced .

  27. 海金沙精细胞中生毛体发育及多层结构起源的超微结构研究

    An Ultrastructural Study of the Development of Blepharoplast and the Origin of Multilayered Structure in the Sperm of Lygodium japonicum

  28. 尤其是与哺乳动物如人和老鼠的,耳蜗中的毛细胞相比。

    Particularly if you compare them with hair cells that are present in the mammalian and the human and mouse cochlea .

  29. 这一过程中,毛利率指标将是评判技术资本价值创造能力高低的标准。

    In this area , the gross margin index is the best standard to assess how the technical capital creates corporate values .

  30. 在胚胎发育过程中,毛乳头细胞来源于位于表皮基板下方的一群凝集性生长的真皮间质细胞。

    The dermal papilla cells originate from condensed mesenchymal cells that lie beneath the epithelial hair germ cells ( placode ) in embryonic skin .