
  1. 广东省储备粮东莞直属库综合楼设计

    Complex Building in Guangdong Grain Reserves Dongguan Depot

  2. 工程由10号机库、12号地面设施维修库及其附楼、室外工程、门房等组成。

    It is consisted of No. 10 Hangar , No. 12 ground maintenance .

  3. 南海意库3办公楼温湿度独立控制空调系统运行实践研究

    Operating practice of temperature and humidity independent control air conditioning system in an office building in Shenzhen

  4. 国家遗传工程小鼠资源库办公与实验楼

    Office & Experimental Building for mouse resource pool of national genetic engineering

  5. 由早期的分散式停车方式到集中停车,由单层停车库到立体停车楼。

    Distributed by the early stopping method to focus on parking , single garage to the parking floor .

  6. 大跨度屋盖结构由于能够提供尽可能大的无内柱空间而被广泛应用于大型体育场馆、会展中心、飞机库、机场航站楼等建筑中。

    Owing to the ability of providing as large space without inner columns as possible , large-span structures are widely used in buildings such as stadiums / gymnasiums , exhibition centers and airport buildings .