
  • 网络Tea Zen;Tea and Zen
  1. 茶禅,乃是以茶参禅的一种人文境界,一种艺术境界。

    The combination of tea and Zen , deep meditation on tea , is a state of humanism , of art .

  2. 茶禅联姻,以天人合一为哲学基础,是中国茶文化史上一种独特的文化现象。

    The marriage of tea and Zen , whose philosophical basis is the combination of man and nature . is a special phenomenon in the history of tea culture .

  3. 关于茶禅一味的总体研究,应该是中国茶文化研究和佛教文化研究共同关注的重大命题,然而至今尚无甚创见。

    A general study of the combination of tea and Zen is supposed to be a big concern for both the research of tea culture and that of Buddhist culture .

  4. 看到艾斯勒拍摄的中国浙江省终日雾气缭绕的山区和杭州水光潋滟的西子湖畔的茶园照片时,我忽然领悟到茶与佛教禅思之间的渊源。

    The association of tea with Buddhist contemplation suddenly made sense when I saw Eisler 's photographs of tea gardens amid the mist-strewn mountains of Zhejiang province or near the sunlit West Lake in the city of Hangzhou .