
  1. 中华英才网高级公关经理唐文强调道,发掘出毕业生新生代优点的关键在于,想方设法找出与其才能相匹配的工作。

    The key to getting the best out of the new breed of graduates , stressed Tang Wen , a senior public relations manager at ChinaHR.com , is in finding ways to match their talent to the most suitable job .

  2. 唐文补充说,由于成长在网络时代,如今的毕业生新生代往往具备更广泛,更多样的知识,他们是“创新的珍贵资源”,同时也是赐予创意、营销部门的一份恩赐。

    Today 's new graduates tend to have wider , more diverse knowledge because they grew up in the Internet age , added Tang - a " precious resource for innovation " and a blessing for the creative or marketing sector .

  3. 唐文补充说,由于成长在网络时代,如今的毕业生新生代往往具备更广泛,更多样的知识,他们是创新的珍贵资源,同时也是赐予创意、营销部门的一份恩赐。

    Today ` s new graduates tend to have wider , more diverse knowledge because they grew up in the Internet age , added Tang - a " precious resource for innovation " and a blessing for the creative or marketing sector .