
  • 网络Unearthed literature;unearthed documents;Excavated texts
  1. 在近年来学者们对中国古史史料学基础问题的研究中,最值得重视的领域之一,是对于新出土文献的研究。

    In recent years , the most remarkable field in the studies of the fundamental problems in ancient historical materials should be the newly excavated texts .

  2. 出土文献与秦文化研究

    Unearthed documents and the culture in the Qin Dynasty

  3. 出土文献与唐代文学史新视野

    Excavated Documents and the New Vision of Tang Dynasty Literary History

  4. 出土文献与《诗经》学研究二题

    Two Problem about Archeological Excavations and Research on The Book of Songs

  5. 出土文献在考古学综合研究方面有着重要意义。

    The unearthed document plays an important role in the comprehensive research of Archaeology .

  6. 从出土文献看秦汉时期的刑事侦查制度

    Looking at the Criminal Detection System of Qin and Han Dynasty from Excavated Literature

  7. 近现代出土文献中的建筑资料及相关研究简论

    Brief Argumentation on Architectural Materials of Unearthed Literatures in Chinese Modern Times and Relational Research

  8. 出土文献所见古汉语标点符号探讨《盐铁论》标点正误

    A Tentative Study of the Punctuation Marks in Ancient Chinese as Seen in Excavated Classics

  9. 高亨先生《老子正诂》对《老子》文本的校勘,有近百处与出土文献相合。

    In this book , there are almost one hundred points coincident with the unearthed literature .

  10. 论建国以来出土文献中的教育史资料

    On the Literature of Education History Unearthed after the People 's Republic of China was Founded

  11. 出土文献的法学价值

    Legal Value of Excavated Literature

  12. 校勘与考释是整理出土文献的两项基本工作。

    Collating and interpretation are the two most basic primary tasks in the study of excavated documents .

  13. 出土文献所见楚国的史官学术与“老庄学派”黄老学派

    Historiographer 's learning of Chu state saw in unearthed literature and " meanwhile school "," elder Huang school "

  14. 特别是近年来出土文献的发现,《尚书》研究更加深入。

    Especially with the discovery of some unearthed documents , the research on the book gets to be deeper .

  15. 所幸,我们得以借助出土文献来窥探《老子》原书之旧。

    Fortunately , we were able to spy on the Laozi of the original book of the Old with the unearthed documents .

  16. 20世纪的出土文献令世人瞩目,相关研究成果扣人心弦。

    The archaeology in 20th century seemed to be extraordinary splendour with lots of excavated literature and research fruits attracting people 's attention .

  17. 随着对汉语词汇研究地不断深入,众多文献资料,尤其是出土文献资料越来越受到研究者的关注。

    With the deepening of Chinese vocabulary study , too many documents , in particular , unearthed documents arouse more and more researchers attention .

  18. 同时,对语文辞书的完善、出土文献的整理研究亦有材料上的和方法上的价值。

    Meanwhile , the thesis also has the material and mathematical values to the perfection of the Chinese dictionaries and the collection of the unearthed materials .

  19. 随着对老子研究的深入以及出土文献的开掘,人们发现传世文献中的一些记载也有可商榷之处。

    With the deepening research on Lao Tzu and the uncover of the buried antiques , the facts in the long spreading documents deserve further discussion .

  20. 但我们还应注意到,除了传世古籍,出土文献也是汉语史研究不该忽略的一部分。

    But besides the books that were handed down from ancient times , we should also pay attention to the unearthed literature to examine the language history .

  21. 出土文献具有真实与稀有的特点,其中有不少不见于传世文献的语言现象。

    The unearthed documents are characterized with scarcity and authenticity , among which there are many language phenomena unrecorded in the documents handed down from ancient times .

  22. 孔子一直是中国思想史、学术史研究的关注焦点,许多载有孔子言论的出土文献也因此倍受关注。

    Confucius has always been the highlight in Chinese ideology and academic research . The excavated literature recorded with Ana of Confucius , consequently , wins great concern .

  23. 羿射日的神话故事,在传世文献、出土文献和考古文物中皆有记载。

    The legend of Yi Shooting the Sun was recorded in many classic works , unearthed literature and archaeological cultural relics , because it is of great significance .

  24. 根据出土文献的记载和统计分析的结果,雨汉时期至少在河西及至敦煌地匾寅行的是十六时制。

    According to records unearthed documents and statistical analysis of the results of the Han Dynasty practiced at least in Hexi and Dunhuang region is the sixteen time system .

  25. 本文即旨在利用考古发掘的出土文献和实物以及近年考古学成果的积累,对它重新解读。

    The author provides a re-interpretation and re-reading of scenes of sacrifice with reference to archaeologically unearthed documents and objects , as well as to other finds over recent years .

  26. 无论从《论语》文本内部考察,还是将其与出土文献中的相关材料进行对勘,我们都会发现孔门后学在编纂过程中有意识地遵循“趋简”的原则。

    By researching Lunyu itself and comparing with some new underground materials , I found that the editors of Lunyu intended to make it simply in the term of editing .

  27. 不倚重今人推排的朔闰表,仅在出土文献范围内对周家台秦简历谱展开讨论。

    Not depending on the new moon and embolism lists accounted by modern scholars , the article has discussed Chin bamboo slip almanacs of Choujiatai only by the excavated literature .

  28. 二十世纪对学术有重大贡献的杰出学者,全都既注意出土文献,又对传统文献有精深的研究。

    Outstanding scholars in the 20th century who have made great contributions to academy unexceptionally pay much attention to the unearthed documents as they make profound researches on traditional documents .

  29. 从上古汉语词义学角度研究上古文献的写成时代,同时用出土文献和传世文献的词语、词义作综合比较,会得出比较科学的结论。

    A combination of word meanings of ancient Chinese , the unearthed literature and handed-down literature provide a dependable clue to ascertain the time when a piece of literature was written .

  30. 本文考察、辨析了历代注家关于“井”卦之释义,并结合出土文献的最新研究成果,重新诠释了“井”卦所含蕴的人文价值。

    This paper examines the variety of interpretations of different times , together with the help of the latest excavated literature , and re-interprets the humanistic value conceived in the hexagram .