
  • 网络A married woman;Five Girls and One Rope;FiveGirlsandOneRope;The Wedding Maidens
  1. 出嫁女与本家间的经济交往是多种多样,形式灵活,非常普遍的。

    Economic exchanges between them are diverse , flexible form and common .

  2. 由于法律上的不足、村规民约的违法及传统观念等原因,侵害农村出嫁女的土地承包经营权益的现象十分普遍。

    The land contract operation right is the core of the dual operation system characteristic of the combination of centralization and decentralization in operation .

  3. 在农村集体经济利益分配中,常常出现村民(尤其是出嫁女)与集体之间的纠纷。

    In country society , villagers ( in particular the married woman ) and the collective economic organization for the collective economic interest distribution will often make a profit allocation conflicts and disputes .

  4. 本文拟从分析一典型案例入手,以当前我国出嫁女的征地补偿受益权主体资格问题为主,探讨由此引发的诉讼实践问题。

    This paper analyzes a typical case from the start to our country , " married woman " and the main beneficiary compensation eligibility of land-based to explore the practical issues arising from the litigation .

  5. 女性本身与本家的关系这一部分主要探讨的是财产问题,即在室女和分得的本家财产和户绝状况下出嫁女可分得的本家财产。

    Women have nothing to do with his this part mainly discusses the relationship between the property question , namely in virgo and the share of his property and no cases married female share of his property .

  6. 二是完善集体经济组织成员权界定,保护全体成员的土地合法权益,解决目前一些地方剥夺出嫁女、大学生、打工人员土地承包经营权资格的矛盾纠纷。

    Two is to perfect the collective economic organizations , members of the rights to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all members of the land , solve the virgin female , some local deprived students and working personnel qualification of the contracted land disputes .