
  1. 最重要的是,在任何时间都要知道雇员身处何地。

    The most important is to know where workers are at any time .

  2. 这样一来,吴承恩家乡以外的地区很长时间都不知道《西游记》的作者是谁。

    As a result , the identity of the novelist was long unknown outside of Wu 's native district .

  3. 过一段时间人人都会知道的。

    It will be known to everybody in the course of time .

  4. 有一半的时间你都不知道你在做什么

    You didn 't know what you were doing half the time .

  5. 大部分时间他都不知道自己在那里。

    Most of the time , he has no idea where he is .

  6. 特别是一半时间我都不知道自己在干什么

    especially since I don 't know what I 'm doing half the time .

  7. 我的意思是,有一半的时间我们都不知道何去何从。

    I mean , half the time we don 't know where we 're going .

  8. 其实很长时间我都不知道他是英国人。

    In fact , for the longest time I didn 't even know he was British .

  9. 使用电脑时忘记时间的人都知道玩电脑很容易吃不上午饭。

    Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the tendency to miss lunch .

  10. 而我们多数人在他那个年龄,时间多得都不知道该怎么做才不会荒废。

    At that age , many of us had more time on our hands than we knew how to fill without plummeting into severe boredom .

  11. 任何在印度待过一段时间的人都知道,背景调查根本不管用,警方开的无犯罪证明不过是浪费纸张。

    Anyone who has spent any amount of time in India would know that background checks just don 't work and a certificate from the cops is just paperwork .

  12. 我当时为《辐射4》中一个叫凯洛格的主角配音,可是在一年半的时间里我都不知道我是在给这个游戏配音。

    " I was a main character in Fallout 4 , a character by the name of Kellogg , and I never knew that I was doing vocal recording for that game throughout the year and a half . "

  13. 很长一段时间以来,人们都知道黄石公园本质上是火山——所以它有温泉和其他蒸汽特征。

    It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature — that 's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features .

  14. 绝大多数时间,我都不知道自己在干吗。

    I had no idea what I was doing half the time .

  15. 你可能连她一半的时间在哪里都不知道。

    You probably don 't even know where she is half the time .

  16. 朱静秋:好的,非常感谢,谢谢您的问题.好的,给我一分钟时间想想.大家都知道,

    Zhu Jingqiu : OK , thank you very much . Thank you for your question . Umm , OK , give me a minute to think about it .

  17. 他没坏心,但是他没有时间观念,半数时间都不知道星期几。

    Raul : His intentions are good , but he loses track of time and doesn 't know what day it is half the time .