
  • 网络Figures of the times;TIMES FIGURE
  1. 茅盾在描写重大题材、塑造鲜明时代人物形象的同时,以一种强烈的社会责任感关注下一代,最能体现其儿童文学观的是他的三篇儿童小说。

    While he describes significant themes and creates distinct figures of times , Mao Dun shows much concern on the younger generation with a strong sense of social responsibility .

  2. 顾恺之、陈洪绶、傅抱石是各自所属时代人物画艺坛的杰出代表,他们既受传统的洗礼成为传统的缩影,又呈现出独特的个人风格,代表了时代的精神。

    Gu Kai-zhi ; Chen Hong-shou ; Fu Bao-shi , Panting is an outstanding representative of their respective era portraits art scene , well received by traditional baptism into the traditional microcosm , showing a unique personal style , and represents the spirit of the times .

  3. 他把这个男人看成是过去时代的人物。

    He found himself thinking of the man as a relic from the past .

  4. 在咱们那个时代先进人物正在大量地涌现出来。

    Advanced figures are not emerging in multitude in the era of ours .

  5. 他是来自另一个时代的人物。

    He was a figure from another age .

  6. 以非时代主流人物身份叙述大时代主流人物&关于左翼作家确立群体主体性原因的考察

    Great Time Mainstream Figures Recounted by Non-mainstream Writers of the Time & Investigation in the establishment of the left-wing writers

  7. 这些新知识青年中的少部分人,通过留洋而成为引领时代的人物。

    A small number of these educated young people , by studying abroad , to become leading figures in the era .

  8. 隋唐时代中国人物画色彩观对当时朝鲜有大的影响。

    The colored figure paintings in the Sui and Tang dynasties in China imposed great influences to South Korea at that time .

  9. 秀骨清相:世说新语时代的人物之美

    Elegant Bone and Clear Appearance : On the Beauty of Body of the Time of " A New Account of World Tales "

  10. 家父和伊皮奈男爵都是大风暴时代的人物,但我对于那个时代只见识了最后几天。维尔福说道。

    " My father and the Baron d'Epinay lived in the stormy times of which I only saw the ending ," said Villefort .

  11. 三是描写重大历史时代中小人物真实人生的小说,代表作家王安忆、王晓玉。

    Thirdly there was the novel represented by Wang Anyi and Wang Xiaoyu . They wrote real life of little figure in big historical times .

  12. 大漆之纯粹的灵魂曾久久地盘桓于器用,让人觉得她锁闭了自己纯粹的艺术资禀。其实,那是大漆的等待,她等待可以以纯形相托的时代和人物。

    The pure spirit of lacquer that once had lingered in utensils for a long time , and it let people thought her talent had been locked .

  13. 每一天广播与电视台都要播出相关的节目,有时是历史回顾,有时是公开辩论,有时则是描写那个时代主要人物的专题片。

    A day doesn 't pass without the radio and television stations offering a retrospective , a debate or a portrait of the main characters of the era .

  14. 丛深是中国现代戏剧发展史上划时代的人物,也是中国现代戏剧公认的著名作家之一。

    Cong Shen is one of the Epoch-making personages in the history of Chinese modern drama , and he is recognized as a famous modern Chinese writer of drama .

  15. 张謇作为一个特殊时代的人物,在他身上可以贴很多标签,诸如状元、商人、慈善家、社会改造者等等。

    Zhang Jian can be attached to lots of labels like Number One Scholar , businessman , philanthropist , social transformation and so on as a special era figures .

  16. 该奶酪可追溯至公元前1615年,真空包装在神秘的青铜时代的人物身上,被埋葬在塔克拉玛干沙漠中,这是目前为止发现的最古老的奶酪。

    The cheese dates back to 1615BC and wasessentially vacuum-packed with the bodies of the mysterious Bronze Age peoplewho were buried in the Taklamakan Desert , making it the oldest ever recovered .

  17. 论文重点论及其对皖南乡村的独特叙事和时代典型人物的塑造,力求在地域特色、乡土气息、时代主题、人物形象、艺术魅力等方面的研究有所创新。

    The paper focuses on discussing unique narration in the south of Anhui Rural and the shaping of times of typical characters , to innovate in the aspects of the regional features , local flavor , themes , characters , artistic charm and so on .

  18. 她自己所受的西方教育,她对人性悲剧的深刻体验,她对大时代中小人物的悲欢离合所持的不无同情的讽刺态度,都可以证明这种文化上的血脉。

    The bloodline of this culture can be reflected in western education that she received , profound experience that she held on human tragedy , and satirical but sympathetic attitudes that she had towards vicissitudes of life of insignificant people in such a great era .

  19. 西北行记,主要是指中国历史上各个时代的人物自内地到西北地区出使、考察、视察、旅游、探亲、公干或任职等时所留下的纪行文字。

    Northwest travel notes , mainly refers documentary records written by the persons , during the time when they in the Northwest area for the purpose of mission , survey , inspection , tourism , visiting relatives , business or office , and so on , in all the times .

  20. 2007年,Web1.0时代的传奇人物贾斯丁·基奇将他创办的小规模网站HomesteadTechnologies卖给了金融服务软件公司财捷集团,后一度还在这家公司任职。但不久之后他就辞职了。

    Web 1.0 phenom Justin Kitch sold his Homestead small-business site to Intuit in 2007 and went to work there . After a while , he left .

  21. 他的英雄业绩使他成了他那个时代的传奇人物。

    His heroic feats made him a legend in his own time .

  22. 马修弗林德斯和拿破仑是同时代的历史人物。

    Matthew Flinders and Napoleon were contemporary historical figures .

  23. 黄远生在中国新闻史上是一个开启新闻本位时代的重要人物。

    " Huang Yuansheng " is the first political journalism of the Chinese press .

  24. 唐代作为封建社会最为辉煌的时代,工笔人物画出现了空前繁荣的局面。

    Tang feudal society as the most prosperous era , Chinese figure painting appeared unprecedented prosperous situation .

  25. 莎士比亚是生在那个时代的杰出人物,但那个时代并不主张女性识字。

    Shakespeare was a man of his time , and his time didn 't value literacy in women .

  26. 美国当选总统奥巴马是第一个入主白宫的黑人总统,他当选了时代周刊年度人物。

    Time magazine named US President-elect Barack Obama its " Person of the Year " after he became the first African-American to win the White House .

  27. 第三章分四节集中展现了打工作家笔下塑造出的四种富有鲜明时代特色的人物类型。

    The third chapter divided four centralisms to unfold four kind of rich bright time characteristic character type which the hiring out for working writer writing molded .

  28. 康德是西方哲学史上划时代的伟大人物:他不但给德国,欧洲,乃至给全世界带来了不可磨灭的思想财富。

    Immanuel kant is an epoch-making , great man in western Philosophy history : he brought Germany , Europe and even the whole world unforgettable thought wealth .

  29. 不同的时代背景及人物性格造就了三位女性隶属于三个不同的个人空间,但她们面临着同样个人空间受限的困境。

    The three women belong to three different spaces resulting from different historical background and different characters , but they are facing the same limitation of their individual space .

  30. 笔者从各种各样的理论中选取了波伏瓦的《第二性》及法国女性主义理论来分析《天真时代》的人物塑造。

    Among various kinds of feminisms , I apply Beauvoir 's the Second Sex and French Feminism as theoretical basis to analyzing the characterization in The Age of Innocence .