
  • Fashion Icon;Fashionista;Fashionistas
  1. 当然如果成为大学时尚达人让你觉得很幸福,你也可以朝这个方向努力。不过大多数的学生还是喜欢把自己的时间和金钱花费在其他的事情上。

    You can be a campus fashion icon if that makes you happy , but most students prefer to spend their time and money on other things .

  2. 梅根·马克尔具有多重身份——前女演员,皇室成员和时尚达人。

    Meghan Markle is many things - a former actress , royal-to-be , and fashion icon .

  3. 她已是一个小有名气的时尚达人。

    She has already made a name for herself as a snappy dresser .

  4. 近几个月来,凯蒂一改其在《恋爱时代》中的“假小子”乔伊•波特的形象,成为红地毯上最引人注目的时尚达人。《OK!

    In recent months , Katie has transformed herself from her tomboy Dawson 's Creek character Joey Potter into a sleek fashionista who is never uncomfortable on the red carpet .

  5. 苹果(Apple)聘请博柏利(Burberry)CEO安吉拉•阿伦德负责零售及在线业务,为苹果招徕了一名时尚达人、数字传道者和千禧一代的营销大师。

    In recruiting Burberry ( burby ) CEO Angela ahrendts to head its retail and online unit , apple ( AAPL ) is acquiring a design fanatic , a digital evangelist , and a master of millennial marketing .

  6. 这位前辣妹组合成员现在可谓是时尚达人,在她最初的荧屏工作经历中,有一项是在BBC播放的名为《关于身体》的性教育节目中,扮演脚踏旱冰鞋的精子(没错,不要怀疑你的眼睛)。

    In one of her first onscreen jobs , the ex-Spice Girl and current fashionista played a sperm ( yes , you read that right ) on roller-skates for a BBC sex-education television show called " Body Matters . "

  7. 中国有两种网络红人。一是因自制原创内容出名的,比如曾因在视频中频繁使用粗俗语言而被勒令整改的Papi酱。第二种就是网络时尚达人。

    There are two types of internet celebrities in China - those who create original content like Papi Jiang , who was once censured for excessive use of foul language in her videos , and the " fashionistas . "

  8. 另一位伦敦帽子设计师加布丽埃拉•利津察(GabrielaLigenza,参看下图中的“Boffin”帽)说:归功于伊莎贝拉•布罗等时尚达人的影响力,英国作为喜欢戴帽的国家形象依然非常坚不可摧。

    Gabriela Ligenza , another London-based hat designer ( see " Boffin tops " below ) , says Britain 's image as a hat-wearing nation had remained strong , thanks to the influence of figures such as Isabella Blow .

  9. 毕竟,我可是一个时尚达人,记得吗?

    After all , I 'm a chic , remember ?

  10. 并非所有时尚达人都张开双臂欢迎褶皱。

    Not every fashion lover welcomes them with open arms .

  11. 时尚达人还能成为优秀的博主和作家呢。

    Fashion lovers often make great blog and book writers , too .

  12. 这位时尚达人穿了一件杜嘉班纳的蜘蛛网图案连衣裙。

    The fashionista was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana spider web dress .

  13. 好莱坞的时尚达人们甚至称背部是新的性感地带。

    Hollywoodfashionistas are even claiming the back is the new erogenous zone .

  14. 她是个能区分普奇和古奇的时尚达人。

    She 's a real fashionista , one who can tell Gucci from Pucci .

  15. 诚然,时尚达人一心关注新的笔记型电脑能否塞进他们的小皮包里。

    True , fashionistas obsess over whether a new laptop will fit into their purses .

  16. 大胆的时尚达人海蒂·克拉姆展示如何真的用中性的颜色使平滑的指尖闪亮。

    Daring fashionista Heidi Klum shows how to really make neutrals work with shimmering slate fingertips .

  17. 我也不是啥时尚达人。

    I am not a fashionista .

  18. 她还是一位模特、博主兼时尚达人,也是两个孩子的母亲。

    She is also a model , blogger , fashion icon , and a mother of two .

  19. 不难看出,威廉姆斯这对姐妹有点想把自己当成时尚达人的味道。

    You can see , these girls , both sisters , kind of see themselves as fashion icon .

  20. 与这位23岁的时尚达人的发型相搭配的,是她的桃红色口红、浓浓的眼线和深色的眉毛。

    The23-year-old style icon accentuated her mobile look with fuschia lipstick , heavily lined eyes and strong brows .

  21. 她可能不得不因手臂骨折而绑上石膏,但苏瑞.克鲁斯仍然是一个迷你时尚达人。

    She may have to wear a broken arm cast but Suri Cruise is still a mini fashionista .

  22. 这位时尚达人脚穿一双价值595英镑的经典红底高跟鞋,鞋跟高达5.5英寸。

    The fashionista stepped out in a595 pair of suede Christian Louboutin'Maggie'stilettos , with a51 / 2 inch heel .

  23. 除了是一位时尚达人之外,她虽然乐于谈论自己事业的成功,但是表现的十分谦虚。

    Apart from being one cool fashionista , she is articulate yet humble about the success of her career .

  24. 很多女性和时尚达人都认为,没有小礼服的衣橱不能算是一个完整的衣橱。

    The " little black dress " is considered essential to a complete wardrobe by many women and fashion observers .

  25. 这是英国高级时装之家,如果你是时尚达人,这是必行之地。

    This is the home of British Haute Couture and this is the place to come if you are fashion conscious .

  26. 我们需要精通科技的时尚达人以及熟知数据技术的奢侈品打造者:他们能绝无仅有地实现网络科技与时尚这两个截然不同的行当的珠联璧合。

    What 's needed are tech-savvy fashionistas and digital luxury artisans who are uniquely able to meld the two distinct worlds .

  27. 超级名模艾拉·麦克弗森和维多利亚·贝克汉姆都是众所周之的时尚达人,不过她们两位穿的这款衣服,谁更好看些呢?(李颖)

    Both supermodel Elle MacPherson and Victoria Beckham are known for their sense of fashion , but who wore it better ?

  28. 作为一个总是被人批判为胆大妄为的时尚达人,我在她身上看到了我的影子。

    As someone who has always been known to make daring fashion choices , I see a lot of myself in her .

  29. 苏瑞克鲁斯、哈珀贝克汉姆和其他名人的时尚达人子女外出时将盛大装扮。

    Suri Cruise , Harper Beckham , and the other celebrity child fashionistas are about to be out-outfitted in a big way .

  30. 新颖且价格实惠的服装设计对于时尚达人来说是不可抗拒的,但一个大的衣橱并不总是好事。

    The flow of new , affordable designs can be irresistible to fashionistas , but a big wardrobe isn 't always better .