
  • 网络MoCA;MOCA Shanghai
  1. 作品曾在第叁届广州国际摄影双年展、北京今日美术馆、上海当代艺术馆、以及波兰、美国等国家展出。

    His work has been exhibited at the3rd Guangzhou Photo Biennial , Today Art Museum ( Beijing ), MoCA Shanghai , Poland and USA.

  2. 上海当代艺术馆将邀请《弦外》展览的策展人王峻先生和部分参展艺术家和大家一起进行讨论,分享他们的艺术馆和创作旅程。

    MoCA Shanghai invites the curator of this exhibition , Jimmy Wong , and some of the artists to discuss and share their galleries and creation work .

  3. “遥•控”,上海当代艺术馆多媒体与互动艺术展。

    ' Remote Control'exhibition of international new media installation at Museum of Contemporary Art , Shanghai .

  4. 他的作品曾在当代相当享有声誉的博物馆做过展出,如北京今日美术馆(2003),上海当代艺术馆(2007)等。

    Gao Feng has already exhibited in prestigious Chinese contemporary museums such as Today Art Museum in Beijing ( 2003 ) and in MoCA Shanghai ( 2007 ) .

  5. 上海当代艺术馆是中国第一家国有当代艺术馆,仅在开张一年前,它还只是当地那些想把上海打造成国际文化大都市的当地官员们脑子里一个不周全的计划。

    Just one year earlier , the Power Station the first state-owned contemporary art museum in China had been but a half-baked idea in the minds of local government officials intent on transforming Shanghai into an international cultural capital .

  6. 上海当代艺术馆的首次亮相是主办第九届上海双年展,这里原本是一个废弃的巨大发电厂,建筑工人和艺术家们为展览空间忙碌到开展前的最后一刻。

    By the time the Power Station was set to make its debut by playing host to the ninth Shanghai Biennale , construction workers and artists alike were hurrying until the final hours to prepare the space , a colossal decommissioned electrical power plant , for the show .

  7. 上海&2012年,上海当代艺术馆突然出现在当代艺术的视野之中,当时几乎没有人知道它的前景如何。

    SHANGHAI & Few knew what to expect of the Power Station of Art when it blew onto the contemporary art scene here in 2012 .