
  1. 第六宫掌管了所有的小家畜,再加上海王星提供的能量,他就像个黄金打造的支架一样,支持着太阳和新月,你的努力将很快获得回报。

    The sixth house rules small domestic animals of all kinds , and with Uranus providing such a shimmering , golden beam to the Sun and new moon , your efforts should be easily rewarded .

  2. 上海角王艺术品有限公司系外商独资企业。在绘画类艺术品和工艺品生产制作、示、售领域博采众长,独树一帜。

    Shanghai Jiao-Wang , a foreign-funded enterprise , is superior in field of are products'creation , display and sale .