
  • 网络home sweet home;Home, Sweet Home;sweet home;Home,Sweet Home
  1. 我不能再跟你说了,我得飞回我那可爱的家去了。

    I cannot stay to tell you any more now ; I must fly to my sweet home .

  2. 颜斯:非常感谢您邀请我们来你可爱的家做客。

    Jens : thank you for welcoming us to your lovely home .

  3. 在这一簇簇的叶子中,一些鸟儿找到可爱的家。

    In these bits of leafiness a few birds find grateful homes .

  4. 丈夫:佛主保佑,多么可爱的家呀!

    Husband : Praise to Buddha . Yes , what a lovely home !

  5. 我家是个可爱的家。

    My house is a sweet home .

  6. 一个非常可爱的家。

    It 's a very family .

  7. 这次演奏柔和感人的《家,可爱的家》。

    This time it was the tender , melting bars of " Home , Sweet Home " .

  8. 看啊,他们可爱的家,门前还长着好些梧桐树。

    To see , ah , their lovely home , also in front of some of the Indus tree .

  9. 它特别害怕巨大的声响,但经过照料和训练,它似乎很快就能成为一只可爱的家犬了。

    She was intensely fearful of loud noises , but with love and training she appeared poised to blossom into a lovely family dog .

  10. 简·费尔法克斯已经离开了海伯里,回到跟坎贝尔夫妇一道生活的那个可爱的家,又过上了舒适的生活。

    Jane Fairfax had already quitted Highbury , and was restored to the comforts of her beloved home with the Campbells . - The Mr.

  11. 她是一个可爱的老人家。

    She 's a dear old soul .

  12. 如图所示,这个可爱的小家夥遗传了威廉王子的金发碧眼和凯特漂亮的鼻子和牙齿。

    The photo above shows that the cutie is a mix of Wills'blond hair , blue eyes and Kate 's dainty nose and perfect teeth .

  13. 这里有五只可爱的猫想要家。

    Five cute cats here want homes .

  14. 在上海,他可爱的老婆在家里做的是比萨和大蒜面包。

    His lovely wife Cherry makes pizza and garlic bread from their house in Shanghai .

  15. 多麽可爱的大雁一家!

    What a lovely geese family !

  16. 就是我,他住在一个可爱的儿童之家,就在威尔士附近的小岛上。

    That was me and he lived in a lovely children 's home on an little island near Wales .

  17. 5月的最后一周会有很多款待客人的乐趣&从5月26日开始,火星将与木星在水瓶宫中窃窃私语,这将带来一些可爱的消息到你家门口。

    The last week of May holds many treats , for on May26 , Mars will speak to Jupiter in Aquarius , bringing some lovely news to your doorstep .