
  • 网络PGLA;absorbable sutures
  1. 可吸收缝合线研究进展

    Progressing of research of absorbable sutures

  2. 聚二氧杂环己酮合成可吸收缝合线体外降解研究

    Studies on in vitro degradation of absorbable Polydioxanone suture

  3. 海狸鼠尾部肌腱制作医用可吸收缝合线的研究

    Studies on An Absorbable Suture Which is Made by Tendon in Tails of Myocastor Coypus

  4. 胶原医用可吸收缝合线的研制

    Preparation of the Collagen Surgical Absorbable Suture

  5. 方法:应用3-0可吸收缝合线深部间断埋线封闭隆乳手术中超范围的剥离腔隙。

    Methods The new method uses the 3-0 absorbable suture , sutures deeply and intermittently , and implants the suture to close the exceed dissection lacune .

  6. 近年来,生物可降解高分子材料被广泛应用于药物控释体系、可吸收缝合线、外科矫形器件、细胞组织工程等生物医用领域。

    In recent years , biodegradable polymeric materials have been found to be useful in drug delivery , absorbable suture , surgical orthopedic device and cell tissue engineering applications .

  7. 壳聚糖纤维可以用于制备医用敷料、人体可吸收缝合线、组织工程载体材料等,但目前壳聚糖纤维的强度较低,严重制约了其应用的领域。

    Chitosan fiber can be used to prepare medical dressing , human body absorbable suture , support material for tissue engineering etc. , but its lower tenacity greatly hinders its application area .

  8. 聚乳酸类可吸收手术缝合线的研究进展

    The Development of the Research on PLA-based Absorbable Surgical Sutures

  9. 壳聚糖在可吸收手术缝合线中的应用

    Application of chitosan to the surgical suture line

  10. 目前医用可吸收手术缝合线广泛应用于医学的外科手术中,是生物医用高分子研究中最活跃的研究领域之一。

    Absorbable suture had been widely used in surgical operation which was one of the most active domains in biomedicine macromolecule research .

  11. 可吸收无创缝合线治疗肱骨大结节骨折

    Treatment of humeral greater tubercle fracture with absorbable suture

  12. 聚酯类可吸收型医用缝合线的单体&乙交酯及丙交酯的合成

    Monomers of absorbable suture & glycolide and lactide

  13. 可吸收医用胶原缝合线立式湿法纺丝机的研制

    Development to middle-sized vertically UPWARD 、 WET spinning machine for surgical absorbable suture of colloid

  14. 可吸收型医用缝合线是一种能经受生物组织反应,经降解后被人体吸收的高分子材料。

    Absorbable suture is a new-type suture which can stand biological reaction and be absorbed by human body after degradation .