
  • 网络enumerable;Countable Set;denumerable set
  1. 首次将可列集的概念引用到层次诊断中,并给出了层次诊断中故障模式空间的选取原则,为层次诊断的工程实现和未来进行多信息诊断提供了基本框架。

    In this paper , the concept of countable set is introduced to the hierarchy diagnosis , in the more , the rules that select the fault models space in the hierarchy diagnosis is given , which provides a basic frame for the reality of hierarchy diagnosis and multi-information diagnosis .

  2. 对任意的可列集上的信息源,探讨信息论的-个重要问题,即探讨了相对于独立型几何分布的熵密度似然比与对数似然比的极限性质。

    For any information source on a countable set , the limit properties of relative likelihood ratio and log-likelihood ratio of entropy density with respect to the independent geometry distribution , an important problem in the information theory is discussed .

  3. 可列无限集上的非主超滤子有没有可数基呢?

    Are there any countable bases of a non-principal ultrafilter on a Countable set ?

  4. 可得当位置集为可列集且每次转移多个粒子时,耦合随机徘徊过程是存在的且为一无穷质点马氏过程。

    The main methods to achieve this is the transition from a finite set to infinite set and the coupling of stochastic processes .