
  • 网络Possible Tasks;Mission Possible
  1. 什么叫《不可能的任务iii》麦洛?未来充满了无穷无尽的机会,麦洛

    What 's with the mission impossible III , bull shit , Milo ? The future holds limitless possibilities , Milo

  2. 这本是一个不可能的任务,但在他们的拼命努力下,马克II型巨人机于5月31日晚上完成了,其它几台也陆续地生产出来。

    This demand could not possibly be met , but with desperate efforts one Mark II Colossus was finished on the night of 31 May , and others followed .

  3. Wii完成了在许多人看来是不可能的任务&吸引新的消费者进入游戏世界。

    The Wii had done what many thought was impossible & attract new consumers to gaming .

  4. 对于大多数女人来说,这是不可能的任务,于是她们跑去隆胸,或是患了暴食症、厌食症以及其他自psp电影下载我厌恶的精神性疾病。

    For most women , this is impossible task , then they ran breast augmentation , or had gluttony , anorexia and other self of mental illness .

  5. 在法国外长洛朗法比尤斯(LaurentFabius)有力的领导下,法国主办方最终完成了这个不可能的任务,促成了一项发达国家和发展中国家都能接受的折中方案,这一点值得赞誉。

    The French hosts , under the able leadership of foreign minister Laurent Fabius , deserve credit for finally squaring this circle and forging a compromise that both developed and developing worlds could accept .

  6. 你愿意去看电影《不可能的任务》吗。

    Would you like to see the movie the impossible mission .

  7. 恶劣的天侯让登顶成为不可能的任务。

    The harsh weather conditions made it impossible to reach the summit .

  8. 若要做到不出显著差错,是几乎不可能的任务。

    So it is almost impossible if requiring no remarkable mistake happen .

  9. 他们接下来说的肯定是项不可能的任务。

    The next thing they say is always something impossible .

  10. 它们听上去象是一个不可能的任务和星际旅行中的小机关而不是武器。

    They sound more like Mission Impossible and Star Trek gimmicks than weapons .

  11. 各位,他完成了不可能的任务。

    Folks , this man did the impossible .

  12. 吸引足够多的用户以平息剧烈波动在可预见的未来都是不可能的任务。

    Attracting enough users to smooth such volatility seems unlikely in the foreseeable future .

  13. 但是,人工从海量的文献中发现这些知识几乎是一件不可能的任务。

    However it is impossible that such knowledge is obtained from the massive literature .

  14. 但在某种程度上,汤姆成功完成了这项不可能的任务。

    But Tom , to some extent , ended this mission impossible with great triumph .

  15. 没有第二个选择,他只有为他付了双倍的钱,来执行这一个不可能的任务。

    Having no choice , he had to pay double fee for this mission impossible .

  16. 找出攻击者是几乎不可能的任务。

    Identifying attackers has proved almost impossible .

  17. 对于这个看似不可能的任务,科学家们已经尝试了两种方法。

    There are two ways in which scientists have gone about this seemingly impossible task .

  18. 相对的,苏黎世让丢垃圾几乎成为不可能的任务,也是很费钱的任务。

    Zurich , in contrast , has made throwing things away nearly impossible-and also costly .

  19. 一个可能的任务是,读取包含电子邮件消息的文件,并提取它们的标题和内容。

    One likely task is reading a file containing e-mail messages and extracting their headers and contents .

  20. 不可能的任务

    The task impossible to complete

  21. 一个年轻的男孩面临着不可能的任务试图软化的打击,悲惨的消息。

    A young boy faces the impossible task of trying to soften the blow of tragic mews .

  22. 他们设法完成了之前认为不可能的任务:他们在不扰动真实的情况下探查了真实。

    They managed to do what had previously been thought impossible : they probed reality without disturbing it .

  23. 这也许并非不可能的任务,但肯定很艰难。

    That may not be an impossible task , but it certainly looks like a very hard one .

  24. 减肥有时似乎是不可能的任务,因为即使好不容易瘦身成功,也可能出现反弹。

    Weight loss can sometimes seem impossible because even after hard-won success , the pounds can creep back .

  25. 在战场上,在这些不可能的任务里你要充分认识当前形势的变化。

    In the battlefield , you need to be fully aware of the changing situations in the impossible missions .

  26. 今年五月,电影《不可能的任务》请众影迷来观看本系列的第三集。

    This May , fans of the Mission Impossible movies will be treated to the third installment of the series .

  27. 主演电影《不可能的任务》系列和电影《乘仔也疯狂》,并不是汤姆·克鲁斯简历上的唯一内容。

    Tom Cruise doesn 't just have the " Mission Impossible " series and " Risky Business " on resum é .

  28. 今天我有个不可能的任务,完成《理想国》剩余的部份,依照我指定给同学的进度。

    Today I have the impossible task of finishing the parts of the Republic that I have assigned for the class .

  29. 一开始吴恒自己做这项工作,但是后来他发现那是个不可能的任务。

    At first Wu Heng was doing the job on his own , but later he discovered that is a mission impossible .

  30. 可以看到,哮喘的发病机制不明,使得哮喘的预防和根治成为了不可能的任务。

    We can see that the pathogenic mechanism of asthma is unknown , making prevention and cure of asthma becomes an impossible mission .