
  1. 如果你认为可以的话,我想发电邮而不打电话。

    I 'd rather email than phone , if that 's OK by you .

  2. 可以的话,我想用一下你的起居室。

    I 'd like the use of your living room , if I may

  3. 如果可以的话,我们就不要再谈论这件事情了。

    If you don 't mind , we won 't talk about it any more .

  4. "如果可以的话,合乎逻辑的做法是从你的银行获得一张芯片密码卡,"CreditCardlnsider.com联合创始人埃里克·阿达莫夫斯基说。

    " If it 's available , the logical thing is to get a chip-and-PIN card from your bank , says Eric Adamowsky , a co-founder of Credit Cardlnsider . com .

  5. 做志愿者或者,如果可以的话,为某项事业捐一点点钱。

    Volunteer or , if you can , contribute a little money to a cause .

  6. 如果可以的话,你愿意当个冲浪手吗?

    Would you become a surfer if you could ?

  7. 如果可以的话,你可以选择去米兰。

    If you have a chance , you can choose to visit Milan .

  8. 他妈妈非常爱他,如果可以的话,她愿意给他任何他喜欢的东西。

    His mother loves him and will give him anything he likes if she can .

  9. 不管你有什么负担,如果可以的话就将他们暂时放下。

    Whatever burdens you have , let them down for a moment if you can .

  10. 如果你正坐着看这份报告,站起来,移动你的腿,如果可以的话摸一下你的脚

    If you are sitting down reading this report , stand up , move your legs and touch your feet if you can .

  11. 例句我哥哥是一个不折不扣的海滩客,如果可以的话,他会在海滩上过一辈子!

    My big brother is a real2 beach bum – he would3 spend his whole4 life5 on the beach if he could6 !

  12. B你们接受信誉卡吗?如果可以的话我想刷卡。

    Do you take credit cards ? I 'd like to pay by credit card if I can .

  13. 如果可以的话,我建议您使用Ajax框架。

    I also recommend using Ajax frameworks if you can .

  14. 同样,如果可以的话,将对语句使用的授权ID进行检查,以查看是否拥有对全局变量的READ权限。

    Also , if applicable , the authorization ID being used for the statement is checked for READ privilege on the global variable .

  15. 第一种方法明显是不可取的,因为作为一般的最佳实践,如果可以的话,最好避免以root身份运行任何进程。

    The first approach is obviously undesirable because , as a general best practice , it is best to avoid running any process as root if it can be avoided .

  16. 如果可以的话,要拥有可查询的日志&StackExchange团队有后台执行的进程,它会解析原始的日志,并把它插入到大型的、专门的SQLServer实例中。

    If possible , have Queryable logs – the StackExchange team has a background process that parses raw logs and inserts it into a large , dedicated , SQL Server instance .

  17. Step3:REHEARSE第三步:演练组织好想法以后,同学们就要演练怎样大声对自己说了。如果可以的话,也可以对其他人说。

    After organizing ones thought , students should practice on how to deliver their organized thing king and ideas out loud to themselves and , if appropriate , to a few others .

  18. 要是可以的话声音再大一点就更好了。

    But just a tad more volume , if you would .

  19. 甚至可以的话,你可以换一份工作。

    And if really necessary , you can eventually change jobs .

  20. 我想录,如果可以的话?

    I 'd like a video , if that 's ok ?

  21. 如果可以的话,平克默先生,我想跟你谈一会儿。

    I would like to talk with you a while , Mr.

  22. 可以的话,能请你辨认一下这件武器吗?

    If you would , can you please identify this weapon ?

  23. 如果可以的话我也会跟你一起去。

    I 'll come along with you if that 's ok .

  24. 如果可以的话我将只概括要点。

    I 'll just summarize the main points if I may .

  25. 如果可以的话,我觉得这些想法很有趣。

    I think those are interesting ideas , if you could .

  26. 如果可以的话,请不要离开我。

    Let others speak , I just want to express emotion .

  27. 如果可以的话,你最好在家中办公。

    You are best to work at home if you can .

  28. 如果可以的话,去大笑,去打成一片吧。

    Just laugh , if you can , and roll with it .

  29. 如果可以的话我们继续?

    I would like to move on if we may ?

  30. 如果可以的话,我想拿一些这种小册子。

    I 'll take some of these pamphlets , if I may .