
  • 网络fissionable nuclide
  1. 在计算中需要裂变产物的平均裂变产额、(n,γ)反应的修正量、放射性裂变产物堆内衰变修正量和可裂变核素的平均裂变能量等。

    During calculation , average fission yields of fission products , corrections for reaction ( n ,γ), decay of radioactive fission products in reactor , average fission energies of fissionable nuclides and so on are required .

  2. 这个图表给你们一个重要的,可裂变和可转换核素的,一些临界热能中子横截面的总结。

    This chart gives you a summary of some of the critical thermal-neutron cross sections of important fissile and fertile nuclides .