
  • 网络Lovely;Cornetto;CUTE BABY;Lovery More
  1. 上次Paulo来这里时我的短发要可爱多了。

    Monica : You know it 's funny , the last time Paulo was here , my hair was so much shorter and cuter .

  2. 你的猴子没死的话会可爱多了。

    Well it 's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn 't just died .

  3. 我和甜品,我总觉得甜品比我可爱多了!

    Me and the dessert ! I love the dessert better , not me !

  4. 我告诉你们我比原来可爱多了吗?

    Did I tell you that I am so much cuter than I am ?

  5. 这就使她变得可爱多了。

    and she was much nicer for it .

  6. 这款前卫的冷饮是食物设计师邦帕和帕尔在和路雪的“可爱多”的基础上设计而成的。

    The futuristic frozen treat has been developed for Wall 's Ice Cream by food designers Bompas and Parr .

  7. 我也是。他们真的唱得很好,也比那些只会偷吃东西的老鼠可爱多了。

    Lily : So do I.They are good singers , and cuter than the mouse that always steal our food .

  8. 我们结婚的时候,她给我我一份(审计)业务约定书(这个也可以翻成订婚信),我还说多可爱多甜蜜啊。

    When we got married , she had given me an Engagement Letter and I had said how cute-how sweet .

  9. 在意大利,今年夏季该公司正在推销一系列散装出售的售价一欧元的可爱多(Cornetto)冰激凌。

    In Italy the company is promoting a range of one-euro Cornetto ice creams this summer , with the price splashed on the cone .

  10. 因为,即使我的领导--当然,至少我的孩子们比领导可爱多了,他们都会一直提要求。

    Because even though my manager was -- well , at least my children were a lot cuter than my manager , they were just as demanding .

  11. 乍看之下,这种科幻风格的小吃似乎仅仅是一直普通的薄荷口味可爱多甜筒,但是,在紫外光的照耀下,这支甜点会发出亮闪闪的光芒。

    The sci-fi style snack appears to be nothing more than a normal mint Cornetto however once under UV lighting the sweet treat lights up in luminous colours .