
  • 网络DESCRIPTION;Job Description;Job Deions
  1. SKILLOVERVIEW:该查询主题包含SKILLREPORT表中所有与JOBS表的职位描述相连接的信息。

    SKILL_OVERVIEW : The query subject containing all information from the SKILL_REPORT table joined with the job descriptions of the JOBS table .

  2. 基于职位描述和相关职位胜任力,建立雇佣准则。

    Establish hiring criteria based on job descriptions and required competencies .

  3. JOBS:包含完整职位描述的表。

    JOBS : The table containing the complete job description .

  4. Hill一般看到的职位描述只是简单说明了日常的工作内容及角色就了事。

    Hill regularly sees JDs which simply mention the duties of a role and nothing else .

  5. JOBDESC:使用任意格式的文本表示的职位描述

    JOB_DESC : the job description in free-formed text

  6. HRManager职位描述:-在人力资源部门建立发展一套完善的文化体系,涉及有效的员工关系,与客户的相互交流及关注等;

    Developing and nurturing a performance culture built on sound HR systems , effective employee relations , open communication and continuous customer focus .

  7. 职位描述:总裁助理协助公司CEO撰写各类业务文档、进行公司战略的细节分析、安排对外联系工作。

    Job description : Assists CEO in writing company documents , conducting detailed strategic research , and make external contacts .

  8. 在AHM控制下按为酒店各工种制订职位描述。

    Develop position descriptions for all roles under the control of AHM .

  9. 假如一份职位描述中写到“必须有‘有限元分析’方面的经验”,工程专家通常会将它缩写为FEA。

    Let 's say a job description reads " Must have experience with finite element analysis , " an engineering specialty often abbreviated as FEA .

  10. 职位描述:“管理预算,合作制定财务战略。科技初创公司的公司客户账户管理,比如Clever、Cruise、Lyft、苹果、Giphy和Slack等公司。”

    Job description : " Manage a budget and collaborate on fiscal strategy . Corporate customer account management for tech start-ups like Clever , Cruise , Lyft , Apple , Giphy , Slack , and more . "

  11. 职位描述:1。完成既定的销售目标;

    Responsibilities : 1.Sell courses ensuring you reach monthly sales target ;

  12. 职位描述:-联系客户,接收订单;

    Job Description : - Contact clients , receiving orders .

  13. 职位描述应该包括什么类型的东西?

    What types of things should be included in a job description ?

  14. 当然,职位描述是任何时候都要固定不变的。

    Of course , Thinking the job description is set in stone .

  15. 职位描述:懂得国际国内贸易,营销和签订合同等。

    Know domestic and international trade , marketing and contract signing , etc.

  16. 雇主们也在挑选一些更加详尽的职位描述,作为另外一种策略。

    Employers are also drafting more detailed job descriptions as another strategy .

  17. 职位描述:财务预算、核算、决算管理。

    Position description : financial budget and final accounts management .

  18. 不用简单地从职位描述里复制粘贴。

    Don 't cut and paste from the job description .

  19. 职位描述:会计毕业生必须是注册会计师。

    JOB DESCRIPTION : Accountancy Graduate must be a Certified Public Accountant .

  20. 职位描述:1。结构方案设计及结构技术创新;

    Job description : 1.Design architecture and innovate structure technology ;

  21. 职位描述:建立和管理分公司系统工程部。

    Main Responsibilities : Build and manage a capable and strong Systems Dept.

  22. 职位描述与个人成就的区别似乎让大多数人为之头痛。

    The difference between job descriptions and accomplishments seems to elude most people .

  23. 职位描述:职位描述:教授英语、计算机基础以及计算机信息系统。

    Job description : teaching english , computer basic knowledge & information system .

  24. 这些人经常把自己的职位描述作为参考!

    Usually they will refer to their job description !

  25. 职位描述:与客户沟通和促进解决方案的发展。

    Job Description : Communicate with clients and facilitate the development of solutions .

  26. 基于白金汉宫的官方网站,这是职位描述:

    Here 's the job description , per Buckingham Palace 's official website :

  27. 杰夫:你能帮我校对我的新职位描述吗?

    Jeff : Can you help me to proof read my new job description ?

  28. 仔细阅读职位描述,然后给出自己可以胜任这份工作的理由。

    Read through the job description carefully and explain why you meet its requirements .

  29. 你职位描述上的工作仅仅是个开始。

    Your job description is just the beginning .

  30. 阅读一些职位描述,通过自我评估训练了解和拓展新的职业领域。

    Read some job profiles and explore career fields you learn about from self-assessment exercises .