
  • 网络Job Design;job designing
  1. 把职务设计的理念引入图书馆改革

    Leading the Principle of the Job Design into the Reform of the Library

  2. 中观因素分析,包括行业分析和区位分析。根据研究结论提出在人力资源规划、职务设计、招聘、培训和发展、绩效与薪酬以及激励这六大方面的建议。

    According to the data analysis conclusion , the dissertation offer the advise in six aspects , which include human resource planning , position analysis , recruitment , training and development , performance and salary , motivation .

  3. 天津体育学院非教师系列中、高级专业技术职务评分标准设计

    Designing grading standards of professional titles for series of non teachers in Tianjin Institute of Physical Education

  4. 同时,《决定》还提高了对职务发明人、设计人的法定奖励数额。

    At the same time , the Decision also raises the statutory incentives standard for service inventors and designers .

  5. 组织结构研究主要包括职务分析和设计、部门划分和设计以及组织结构形式三部分。

    The study on organization structure includes three parts , anglicizing and designing on duty , dividing and designing apartment and structure form .

  6. 人性化工作设计是现代企业人力资源管理在职务分析与设计领域中的新兴课题,是一种通过对工作进行系统性、丰富化和扩大化的设计改进以满足员工心理需求的设计理念。

    This design is a new subject in the field of position analysis and design in human resources management of modern enterprises , is a new design concept to meet staff psychological need through systematic , rich and expanded design improvement of the work .